Fighting climate change by killing eagles — Why isn’t the wind industry subject to the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act?

Robert Bryce writes in the Wall Street Journal: Continue reading Fighting climate change by killing eagles — Why isn’t the wind industry subject to the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act?

Global warming fears pit neighbor against neighbor at Jersey shore

Neighbor to neighbor: Cave into federal coastal land grab or we won’t sell you cheese. Continue reading Global warming fears pit neighbor against neighbor at Jersey shore

Enviros blame Congress for Yosemite wildfire — ironically blaming Congress for not funding brush clearing efforts

Reuters reports: Continue reading Enviros blame Congress for Yosemite wildfire — ironically blaming Congress for not funding brush clearing efforts

Property rights win over warmism: Supreme Court thwarts coastal land-grabbers (like Bloomberg)

Anthony Flint writes at The Atlantic Cities: Continue reading Property rights win over warmism: Supreme Court thwarts coastal land-grabbers (like Bloomberg)

Junk Science Week at the FP: Now we have too many polar bears?

“Despite sea ice having declined since the 1970s, polar bear numbers in Davis Strait have not only increased to a greater density (bears per 1,000 km2) than other seasonal-ice subpopulations (like Western Hudson Bay), but may now have reached its carrying capacity.” Continue reading Junk Science Week at the FP: Now we have too many polar bears?

An Inconvenient Evolution: Study says species adapt to warming

Warmists have said for years that warming will wipe out species. We’ve always said that species will adapt to warming. A new study indicates we are correct. Continue reading An Inconvenient Evolution: Study says species adapt to warming