Audio: Patrick Moore talks about timber company racketeering lawsuit against Greenpeace

Ex-Greenpeacer Patrick Moore discusses the early days of Greenpeace, why he left the radical group in the 1980s and why he supports Resolute’s racketeering lawsuit against Greenpeace. Continue reading Audio: Patrick Moore talks about timber company racketeering lawsuit against Greenpeace

Supreme Court Delivers Huge Blow To EPA’s Ability To Control Private Property

“Today’s ruling marks a long-awaited victory for individual liberty, property rights, and the rule of law.” Continue reading Supreme Court Delivers Huge Blow To EPA’s Ability To Control Private Property

Federal wetlands mitigation bank scam threatens popular California golf course

Out of control federal bureaucrats exercise extralegal authority based on a 33-year-old internal “guidance.” Continue reading Federal wetlands mitigation bank scam threatens popular California golf course