Roy Spencer condemns the Left

Yes, I say the left, becuase the Anti defamation league is doing what all lefty organizations do–using a double standard.
The ADL is like the ACLU or any of a number of lefty organizations–they are predictable.
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Daren Jonescu on Climate Science Totalitarian Thugs and Hypocrites

Professor of Philosophy, and sho nuff a philospher, transplant from Canada to So. Korea, and a prolific, original thinker and writer on a wide range of subjects.
Stuns me with his insights.
Continue reading Daren Jonescu on Climate Science Totalitarian Thugs and Hypocrites

Lawyer Losers, Who Work for our side, Rich Losers but Still Losers

After collecting fees for showing up, the usual incompetence was demonstrated by Lawyers for the Chamber and the National Association of Manufacturers at a Hearing before the DC Circuit. Why am I not surprised?
Let me explain one more time.
Continue reading Lawyer Losers, Who Work for our side, Rich Losers but Still Losers

Academic Hypocricy at Purdue

So let’s see if I get this right. Mitch Daniels can’t talk about conservative ideas and offer political opinions as a former governor because lefty faculty members who talk politics in the classrooms want to censor him.
Continue reading Academic Hypocricy at Purdue

2015 Climate Treaty–Now Exec order on Trucks

Here’s the way it goes. Congress passes a law and then Delegates discretion and authority to the agencies. The agencies do what they are told by the Chief Executive.
Continue reading 2015 Climate Treaty–Now Exec order on Trucks