Mosquito-Fighting Plan Allows Access To Private Property With No Warrant

“The 2012 West Nile season was the worst on record in Texas. More than 1800 were infected, 86 people died.” Continue reading Mosquito-Fighting Plan Allows Access To Private Property With No Warrant

Syngenta, Bayer pesticides pose honeybee threat – EFSA

“Bayer CropScience said in a statement it did not believe EFSA’s findings altered the conclusions of previous EU assessments of its products, which found no unacceptable risks in their use.” Continue reading Syngenta, Bayer pesticides pose honeybee threat – EFSA

Insecticide ‘unacceptable’ danger to bees, EU report finds

“EFSA has focused on highly theoretical risks to bees, ignoring years of independent monitoring that demonstrates the identified risks are being managed through established stewardship practices.” Continue reading Insecticide ‘unacceptable’ danger to bees, EU report finds