‘No surprise’ of the day: Linking flu with climate change

Reuters reports,

Weather experts are studying swine flu to see if climate could influence its spread and severity.

Determining the impact of cold, heat, dryness and humidity on the H1N1 strain — which has killed up to 149 people in Mexico and had milder effects elsewhere — could illuminate the countries and regions most vulnerable to infection.

It’s development, not climate, stupid… not that the greens care.

Sen. Warner admits granchildren concerns caused his alarmism

Sen. John Warner admitted today at the hearing that his concern about global warming arose from his granchildren’s worries.

Rumor has it that Sen. Warner will next support legislation to eliminate toe monsters from child bedrooms.

Green Hell cracks Amazon Bestseller list!

Steve Milloy’s new book Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them cracked Amazon.com’s Bestsellers in Books list (Top 100 selling books), coming in at #85 early this morning.

Thanks to all for helping to make the book a success!

Endangered agenda: Greens mount ad hominem Amazon attacks against Green Hell

If you need more evidence of the intellectual vacuity of the green agenda, you need look no further than the Amazon.com customer review battle over Steve Milloy’s new book, Green Hell: How Environmentalists Want to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them.

As of the evening of April 20, the newly published Green Hell had garnered 14 Amazon customer reviews — 6 five-star (love it) and 8 one-star (hate it) ratings, and nothing in between. It doesn’t get too much more polarized than that.

The five-star ratings seem to have been written by thoughtful people who have actually read Green Hell and seem to be very helpful to would-be purchasers. In fact, of the 358 would-be purchasers who read the five-star customer ratings, 273 (more than 76%) thought the reviews helpful. In contrast, of the 304 who read the one-star customer reviews, only 64 (21%) thought them helpful.

It’s no surprise why so few customers thought so little of the one-star reviews. None of them raise any substantive points about any of Green Hell’s content so much as they level one ad hominem attack after another against the author and his opposition to the greens. From comments like “Milloy’s delusional propaganda” to “poison for the mind” to “sad, angry and dumb,” not a single detailed criticism is offered to any fact or point made in Green Hell.

The customer ratings battle over Green Hell offers insight into why Al Gore and the other greens don’t want to debate Steve Milloy or any other opponent of their agenda — ad hominem attacks won’t win many points with an audience.

Maybe what the greens really need is something that is as natural to them as humanity is to the rest of us — yet another counterproductive, liberty-eating government mandate.

Call it the Endangered Agenda Act — so that rather than embarrassing themselves by being forced to display their intellectual and moral bankruptcy in defense of their indefensible, anti-people beliefs and actions, inconvenient truths like Green Hell could simply be banned.

Wind CEO’s Worry: ‘Birds breathing CO2’

In response to concerns that wind farms will chop up migratory birds, Ditlev Engel, the CEO of Danish wind-energy company Vestas, told the Washington Post that

… anecdotal evidence about birds being caught in turbine blades and other environmental horror stories do not usually hold up under scrutiny.

Engel then added:

“Do people think it’s better all those birds are breathing CO2? I’m not a scientist, but I doubt it.”

No, Engel is not a scientist — I’m not even sure he’s a person with basic knowledge about breathing.

Russian green: Environment ‘must be politicized’

The Wall Street Journal reported today that,

A prominent Russian environmental regulator known for his fierce campaign against Royal Dutch Shell PLC resigned to lead a political opposition movement, complaining that his bosses had lost their appetite for his high-profile attacks on environmental violators.

Oleg Mitvol, who was appointed deputy director of Russia’s Environmental Protection Agency by the government in 2004, said he was resigning to lead a new “green” movement that would challenge Kremlin candidates in local elections. He said he could focus on the same issues just as well from outside government, harnessing public concern about environmental issues.

The ecological sphere must be politicized,” Mr. Mitvol said. His new movement, Green Alternative, plans to field at least 100 candidates in municipal elections in October, he said. One Green Alternative candidate has already won the job of mayor of a town outside Moscow after thrashing the ruling United Russia party last month.

I guess there’s no red-green deficiency in Russia.

Newsmax: Obama to cause ‘energy chaos’

Newsmax.com reports,

Fox News commentator Steve Milloy, founder of the junkscience.com Web site, tells Newsmax that the U.S. is at “the point of no return” as the Obama administration is set to implement environmental policies that will lead to “energy chaos” in this country.

Click here to read the entire Newsmax interview with Green Hell author Steve Milloy.

C-SPAN: Forget Obama; It’s time for Green Hell!

C-SPAN broke away from covering President Obama today to cover Steve Milloy’s presentation of his new book Green Hell at the Heritage Foundation.

Watch for the polar bear activist that tried to disrupt the Q&A portion of Milloy’s talk.

Click here for C-SPAN’s breakaway from Obama and the entire video of Milloy’s presentation.

Milloy presents Green Hell in DC event today!

Steve Milloy will present his new book Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them at the Heritage Foundation’s Lehrman Auditorium (214 Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Washington, DC. 20002) at 12:00pm April 13, 2009.

Click here for the detailed announcement.

Presidential pizza order: Extra carbon footprint

The Sun (UK) reported to day that,

BARACK Obama liked a restaurant’s pizzas so much he has flown the chef 850 miles to make some at the White House.

Assuming the chef took a commercial flight, the air travel from the air travel alone produced 645 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions!

To underscore Obama’s do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do ethic, let’s recall his famous avowal from the 2008 campaign:

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.”

Don’t forget how our Hypocrite-in-Chief  kept the Oval Office warm enough in the winter to grow orchids.