Senate Resolution on Clean Air Act Benefits Slammed as 'Work of Fiction'

WASHINGTON, April 1, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A proposed Senate resolution citing enormous public health and economic benefits from the Clean Air Act was denounced as “a work of fiction” today by Continue reading Senate Resolution on Clean Air Act Benefits Slammed as 'Work of Fiction'

EPAthetic: Tier 3 gas standards to raise prices and GHG emissions

EPA’s planned “Tier 3” rulemaking to reduce sulfur levels in and volatility of gasoline will not only raise the price of gasoline, but will also increase greenhouse gas emissions. Continue reading EPAthetic: Tier 3 gas standards to raise prices and GHG emissions

Mass murderer, nitwit defend EPA

Former Republican EPA administrators William Ruckelshaus and Christine Todd Whitman authored the op-ed below that appeared in today’s Washington Post.

Ruckelshaus’ unjustified ban of DDT in 1972 has led to the deaths of tens of millions of Africans. Whitman is an airhead — at the time she was appointed as EPA administrator, she actually didn’t know the difference between global warming and ozone depletion. When an interviewer asked for her views on the state of global warming science in December 2000, Whitman replied,

“‘Clearly, there’s a hole in the ozone, but I saw a study the other day that showed that that was closing.”

Anyway, below is their op-ed with our comments in [bracketed bold]. Continue reading Mass murderer, nitwit defend EPA

Coal exec: ‘More coal. All the time.’

Don’t miss Peabody Energy exec Fred Palmer’s unapologetic interview with The Guardian (UK). Notable quotes include:

  • “We’re 100% coal. More coal. Everywhere. All the time.”
  • “We don’t have a political allegiance. We’re Americans and our political party is coal.”
  • “Anyone who has the notion that we’re going to move away from fossil fuels just isn’t paying attention.”

Amen, brother.

Sierra Club chief admits lobbying for business

At the Wall Street Journal ECO:nomics conference today, Sierra Club chief Carl Pope casually mentioned that the Sierra Club sits down with corporations having environmental regulatory problems and then uses its expertise in “changing public policy” to help the corporation solve its problem with the government — a novel role for a non-profit organization that is supposed to be working in the public interest. Pope didn’t mention whether the Sierra Club is paid for its “expertise,” but perhaps some of its corporate donors could answer that question.

How to speed nuke permits: ‘Issue them’

At today’s House Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing on EPA’s job killing greenhouse gas regulations, Rep. Cory Power (R-CO) asked panel witness Dan Reicher — a longtime anti-nuke campaigner trying to position himself as some sort of “clean energy” expert — what could be done to accelerate the issuance of nuke plant permits.

While Reicher stammered and temporized, another witness (possibly W. David Montgomery of Charles River Associates) took the microphone and ironically declared, “Issue them.”

‘Carbon Nation’ to seduce right with Van Jones?

America’s wanna-be communists and their clean energy useful-idiots have a new documentary aimed at convincing the right that climate change is a problem and that clean energy is the solution. Continue reading ‘Carbon Nation’ to seduce right with Van Jones?