Big Dem donor gets $433 million fed contract for experimental smallpox pill

A company controlled by a longtime Democrat donor Ron Perelman gets a no-bid contract to supply an experimental remedy for a threat that doesn’t exist. Continue reading Big Dem donor gets $433 million fed contract for experimental smallpox pill

Pickens’ NAT GAS Act’ assailed by conservative groups

“If we’ve learned anything from the Solyndra debacle it’s that politicians do a terrible job trying to prop up their favored energy industries.” Continue reading Pickens’ NAT GAS Act’ assailed by conservative groups

Paper: Scientists reject startling claims that the speed of light has been broken for a second time

“In a paper posted on Saturday, the ICARUS team says their findings ‘refute a superluminal [faster than light] interpretation of the OPERA result.'” Continue reading Paper: Scientists reject startling claims that the speed of light has been broken for a second time