PBS NewsHour: Climate Central a “research organization”; Sorry, no. They advocate solving man-caused global warming [see 2/21/13 update below]

Sea level rise induced by man-caused global warming being a trendy topic lately, the PBS NewsHour couldn’t resist airing a report about it. Problem is, their guest was from the same place that has Heidi Cullen on staff, along with a global warming activist writer, an Obama NOAA administrator having long-ago ties to anti-skeptic efforts, and it formerly had an IPCC-associated founding director who’s now been almost scrubbed out of existence there. Continue reading PBS NewsHour: Climate Central a “research organization”; Sorry, no. They advocate solving man-caused global warming [see 2/21/13 update below]

Tivo alert: Roy Spencer talks EPA, climate, air pollution with John Stossel tonight

“John and I discuss the EPA’s overreach in regulating carbon dioxide and fine particulate matter in the air.” Continue reading Tivo alert: Roy Spencer talks EPA, climate, air pollution with John Stossel tonight

Nature: Why spring is blooming marvelous (and climate change makes it earlier)

“Our findings explain at the molecular level what we observe in our gardens as the warmer temperatures of spring arrive.” Continue reading Nature: Why spring is blooming marvelous (and climate change makes it earlier)

Fight continues over coal terminal proposed near Bellingham, Wash.; 800 show up for meeting

This is the beginning of the final enviro assault on coal. If we can’t burn it here or export it there, coal will be nowhere. Continue reading Fight continues over coal terminal proposed near Bellingham, Wash.; 800 show up for meeting