Former Mont. Gov. Brian Schweitzer Calls Most Wash. Coal Export Plans ‘Dead’

“Ten years from now, maybe there will be some export capacity on the West Coast, but for right now, what we have is completely full and what has been proposed is probably dead — and not even dead in the water, just dead.”

[Inside Climate News]

More Mars Crock: ‘Strongest evidence yet to there being life on Mars’

“Martian rocks from a crater hit by a meteorite may contain the strongest evidence yet that there is life on Mars.” Continue reading More Mars Crock: ‘Strongest evidence yet to there being life on Mars’

EPA-proposed air pollution clean-up to cost Navajo nation coal plant $500 million

“Federal regulators want the plant to install a catalytic converter for approximately $500 million. However, particles from the catalytic converter could create further pollution problems and necessitate more pollution controls, which the Salt River Project, the coal plant’s operator, said could drive the total cost into the billions.” Continue reading EPA-proposed air pollution clean-up to cost Navajo nation coal plant $500 million

Great moments in failed predictions

“While searching for something else, I came across this entertaining collection of grand predictive failures related to resources and climate change, along with some of the biggest predictive failures of Paul Ehrlich. I thought it worth sharing.” Continue reading Great moments in failed predictions