US navy will dismantle minesweeper stranded on coral reef; Faces fines for eco-damages from Philippines gov’t

Oughtn’t we get some sort of permanent credit for MacArthur returning? Continue reading US navy will dismantle minesweeper stranded on coral reef; Faces fines for eco-damages from Philippines gov’t

Study: Husbands who do more traditionally female housework have less sex

But “men who refuse to help around the house could increase conflict in their marriage and lower their wives’ marital satisfaction.” Continue reading Study: Husbands who do more traditionally female housework have less sex

Shock study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth

Well, no a really a “shock.” Scientists have known for decades that chemotherapy drugs are carcinogens themselves. Continue reading Shock study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth

AP: Do penalties for smokers and the obese makes sense?

The estimated annual health care costs of smoking/obesity are a combination of junk science and junk economics — i.e., if you smoke and you get sick or die, then your sickness/death is assumed to be entirely attributable to your smoking. Moreover, end of life costs add up for virtually everyone. Continue reading AP: Do penalties for smokers and the obese makes sense?