AAAS fundraises off measles tragedy while overlooking its own role in science fraud

Contrary to the appeal of American Association for the Advancement of Science President Rush Holt, I’m not looking to the AAAS to combat science fraud as it overlooks its own role in it.

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Happy Earth Day: China wants to double its coal power capacity by 2030

“The largest power producers in China have asked the government to allow for the development of between 300 and 500 new coal power plants by 2030.” But don’t tell Greta.

Source: Greenpeace Web | PDF

NYTimes busts itself… Mount Rainier glacier melting not due to CO2

This is today’s New York Times front page. The NYT blames the retreat of the Mount Rainier glacier (about a mile over the past 100 years) on carbon dioxide. But…

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Grant-grubbing Berkeley prof, CARB creep John Balmes raves about killer PM2.5 in NYTimes op-ed

Interestingly, Balmes’ current EPA air quality grant — worth $4.76 million — runs out in June 2019. With any luck, EPA will not renew.

Continue reading Grant-grubbing Berkeley prof, CARB creep John Balmes raves about killer PM2.5 in NYTimes op-ed

Third court upholds Trump reform of EPA science advisory process

When you’re right, you’re right… and we were right.

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Study: No kids ‘poisoned’ by lead in Flint water

Child blood lead levels actually slightly declined from harmless to even less harmless during the crisis. This study has been out for two weeks. No media outlet has reported it. It was much more fun and profitable for the #FakeNews media to report the scare as below.

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Duke University pays feds $112.5 million in science fraud case

Duke University will pay $112.5 million to the United States Government to settle Thomas v. Duke, a lawsuit alleging that a research technician improperly falsified and fabricated data from 2006 to 2013 to obtain research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies, the university announced Monday. This case includes air quality research fraud previsouly mentioned on this page.

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Busted: No climate impact from Trump policies

A new report from anti-Trump state AGs projects that Trump climate policies will increase emissions by 200 million tons per year by 2025. But as the UN just reported, manmade emissions are now at about 53.5 BILLION tons per year (and rising). If you do the (simple) math, Trump policies are project to increase global emissions by a mere 0.37% — about one-third of a percent. Even if you have fallen for climate hysteria, simple math and common sense shows that Trump policies are climatically insignificant.

Source: Reuters Web | PDF

AAAS chief admits scientists have destroyed the credibility of science

Below is a fundraising email just received from Rush Holt, president of the Americans Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). As Holt notes (see highlighted section), scientists are so untrustworthy that, well, no one trusts them. has been pointing out this untrustworthiness for 23 years. Unfortunately, Holt believes the way to repair the reputation of science is to enrich the AAAS so it can lobby Congress for more money for its members. Organized science has become little more than organized crime, where the science mafia steals from taxpayers to fulfill a variety of anti-science, anti-American and immoral agendas. Eisenhower warned of this problem in 1961. The only way to fix it is to get government out of science.