Embarrassing: Canadians bearing climate gifts come to beg Obama Keystone XL approval

But King Obama, we already have a carbon tax and can regulate greenhouse gas emissions even more. Continue reading Embarrassing: Canadians bearing climate gifts come to beg Obama Keystone XL approval

EPA Hid Information Behind False Identities

“A personal memo sent out by EPA staff refers to the existence of secondary email accounts for top staffers, according to a new release of agency documents. These secret email accounts were allegedly only known to high-level senior staff, and their contents are not available to the public. Since the EPA is a government agency, its emails are supposed to be available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).” Continue reading EPA Hid Information Behind False Identities

Canada: Could muzzling federal scientists be illegal?

“The Information Commissioner of Canada is being asked to investigate whether “federal government policy forcing scientists to jump through hoops before speaking with the media” breaches the Access to Information Act.” Continue reading Canada: Could muzzling federal scientists be illegal?

National Journal: Obama, enviros, frackers looking to EPA, natgas to finish off coal

“You are going to see a lot of red-state Republicans in states like Oklahoma who are going to have very difficult decisions to make.” Continue reading National Journal: Obama, enviros, frackers looking to EPA, natgas to finish off coal

Sugar drinks levy: More interference won’t end obesity

“The medical profession would be better served by figuring out effective ways of treating the relatively small minority who are really seriously overweight. Leave the rest of us to enjoy our little indulgences in peace.” Continue reading Sugar drinks levy: More interference won’t end obesity