Salon hits FoxNews’ Juan Williams for plagiarizing from Center for American Progress; Ignores WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin for ‘lifting’ CAP donor agenda

Fox bad; WaPo good? Continue reading Salon hits FoxNews’ Juan Williams for plagiarizing from Center for American Progress; Ignores WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin for ‘lifting’ CAP donor agenda

NYTimes Public Editor: ‘Not convinced… environmental coverage will be as strong’ without recently-axed Green blog

This says something; the Green Blog’s editor has been reassigned to… the Culture department. Continue reading NYTimes Public Editor: ‘Not convinced… environmental coverage will be as strong’ without recently-axed Green blog

Unleashed: Michelle Obama says dogs need balanced diets, exercise too

During her Google Hangout today, First Lady Michelle Obama reminded the audience that dogs need a proper diet and exercise, just like children do. Continue reading Unleashed: Michelle Obama says dogs need balanced diets, exercise too

Victory: JunkScience forces Juliet Eilperin out of WaPo environment beat

JunkScience has been after her since 2009, with WaPo ombudsman support. No doubt she will deny… just like she did her conflict of interest, until it became too much even for the Post. Continue reading Victory: JunkScience forces Juliet Eilperin out of WaPo environment beat

Obama picks two from Mass. for energy, EPA posts

President Obama on Monday turned to Massachusetts for his nominees to the nation’s top energy and environmental posts, tapping MIT physicist Ernest J. Moniz to lead the Department of Energy, and Boston-area native and former state environmental official Gina McCarthy as the next administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Continue reading Obama picks two from Mass. for energy, EPA posts

Sierra Club urges (warns?) Energy Sec. nominee on ‘dangerous nuclear energy and toxic fracking’

Gina McCarthy gets a green thumb’s up, though. Continue reading Sierra Club urges (warns?) Energy Sec. nominee on ‘dangerous nuclear energy and toxic fracking’