Obama Energy Dept. nominee favors TRIPLING the cost of fossil fuels; Confirmation hearing today at 10am ET

Nominee Ernest Moniz gets points for supporting fracking and nuclear power, but he is lunatic on fossil fuels. Continue reading Obama Energy Dept. nominee favors TRIPLING the cost of fossil fuels; Confirmation hearing today at 10am ET

Hillary Clinton debunked by CDC: HRC: ‘Some women are living short lives than their mothers’; CDC: ‘Don’t jump to conclusions’

From today’s HRC speech at the Women in the World Summit: Continue reading Hillary Clinton debunked by CDC: HRC: ‘Some women are living short lives than their mothers’; CDC: ‘Don’t jump to conclusions’

University of North Carolina explains how it circumvents lobbying rules to get federal research dollars

The sequester has made times tough for UNC’s research budget and the university can’t make political contributions — but its employees sure can (albeit without “explicit connection”)! Continue reading University of North Carolina explains how it circumvents lobbying rules to get federal research dollars

LOST: Secretary Kerry Still Pushing Law Of The Sea Treaty

“Under LOST, any economic activity, even those on land, that threatens the sanctity of the oceans through what are deemed excessive greenhouse gas emissions would be subject to international approval similar to the “global test” then-Sen. Kerry said all our actions should be subject to.” Continue reading LOST: Secretary Kerry Still Pushing Law Of The Sea Treaty

OSHA chief David Michaels admits failure to protect workers: His next book to be titled ‘Incompetence Is My Product’

His 2008 book, “Doubt Is Their Product,” attacked industry for defending itself against junk science. Today in a front-page NYTimes article, OSHA chief David Michaels admits he has failed to protect worker health in his 3+ years on the job. Continue reading OSHA chief David Michaels admits failure to protect workers: His next book to be titled ‘Incompetence Is My Product’

Shock Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion

“Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.” Continue reading Shock Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion