20 Years Ago: 4-19-93 — Al Gore causes rift in Clinton administration over global warming

The Secretaries of Treasury and Energy push back against Al Gore pressure on Bill Clinton to commit to reducing emissions to 1990 levels by 2000. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-19-93 — Al Gore causes rift in Clinton administration over global warming

Surf’s Up, Dude… er… Mate: Climate change increasing wave height in southern oceans

Waves in the Southern Ocean could increase by half a metre over the next century. Continue reading Surf’s Up, Dude… er… Mate: Climate change increasing wave height in southern oceans

20 Years Ago: 4-17-93 — Greenpeace chairman says “Oil isn’t necessary because the energy for this planet comes from the sun”

What’s incredible is that the group could actually raise $150 million in 1993 — an amount that has more than doubled 20 years later — with sentiments like that. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-17-93 — Greenpeace chairman says “Oil isn’t necessary because the energy for this planet comes from the sun”

20 Years Ago: 4-16-93 — Earth Day TV special forecasts natural disasters turn U.S into wasteland by 2017

Though we still have four years to go, TV has ironically become the wasteland. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-16-93 — Earth Day TV special forecasts natural disasters turn U.S into wasteland by 2017

Progressive Racism: 100th Anniversary of Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal government

“One hundred years ago today, Woodrow Wilson brought Jim Crow to the North.” Continue reading Progressive Racism: 100th Anniversary of Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal government

UN Climate Report Leak: Emissions goal slipping so badly gov’ts may have to find ways of sucking CO2 out of atmosphere

Won’t need to. Extra CO2 in the atmosphere won’t cause warming. Continue reading UN Climate Report Leak: Emissions goal slipping so badly gov’ts may have to find ways of sucking CO2 out of atmosphere

CDC tracking how often people ‘feel very tired’ or ‘exhausted’

“Based on responses to the following: ‘In the past 3 months, how often did you feel very tired or exhausted? Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day?'” Well, we’re very tired of unlimited, intrusive and abusive government. Continue reading CDC tracking how often people ‘feel very tired’ or ‘exhausted’

Gay Bullies: Ben Carson steps down as Hopkins commencement speaker: Political correctness beats accomplishment, again

Because if you’re not for every aspect of the gay agenda, you may as well not exist. Continue reading Gay Bullies: Ben Carson steps down as Hopkins commencement speaker: Political correctness beats accomplishment, again

Sequester Casualty: Sam Kass, White House chef and food policy dilettante

White House chef Sam Kass inserted himself into food regulatory policy discussions at the White House. Industry reps would go to OMB for a meeting and find themselves sitting across from Obama’s cook. Oy vey! Continue reading Sequester Casualty: Sam Kass, White House chef and food policy dilettante