WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin at it again: Flacking for billionaire donor to her husband’s employer

Now that the Washington Post has gotten rid of its ombudsman, “reporter” Juliet Eilperin is back to writing press releases to help Mr. Juliet Eilperin’s career. Continue reading WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin at it again: Flacking for billionaire donor to her husband’s employer

EPA Howler: Lisa Jackson alter ego Richard Windsor passed agency ethics course

“Richard Windsor never existed at the EPA, but the agency awarded the fictional staffer’s email account certificates proving he had mastered all of the agency’s technology training — including declaring him a “scholar of ethical behavior,” according to documents disclosed late last week.” Continue reading EPA Howler: Lisa Jackson alter ego Richard Windsor passed agency ethics course

Steve Milloy dishes on environmentalism on C-SPAN TV — Monday, May 27, 6:05 pm ET

Steve Milloy, the founder and publisher of JunkScience.com, gives a conservative view on environmentalism and academia. The National Association of Scholars hosted this event in New York City, marking the 25th anniversary of that organization. Continue reading Steve Milloy dishes on environmentalism on C-SPAN TV — Monday, May 27, 6:05 pm ET

Virginia Hospital’s Race for the Bottom: Let us cut your breasts off

Now that Angelina Jolie has publicized her personal mutilation — it’s the thing to do. Billions and billions of dollars spent fundraising, running, walking, researching, and gala partying — and this is what breast cancer diagnosis/treatment comes down to: lopping off one’s breasts. Continue reading Virginia Hospital’s Race for the Bottom: Let us cut your breasts off

Now he tells us: Steven Chu admits no interest in energy economics until taking Energy Sec. job

How did he get the Energy Secretary job in the first place? Continue reading Now he tells us: Steven Chu admits no interest in energy economics until taking Energy Sec. job