Texas AG Candidate Promises More Lawsuits–Loser?

I have expressed my disappointment with business, industry legal attempts to push back on EPA overreach.
You might ask, well waddauthink about the State Attorneys General? Sorry to say–not much.
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Freeman Dyson– ally in the Climate War

The book review on scientific blunders by Freeman Dyson reminded me, some of you may not know of Freeman Dyson, our giant friend in the war on climate against the Warmers.
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Extreme Weather Events Tony Lupo is da man

This is Viv Forbes, who is pretty damn good, talking about extreme weather events crusade of the Green fanatics.
And I have something really good to add to that.
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Junk Numbers on Unemployment and the Uninsured

Politics can produce junkscience economics/social sciences numbers that confuse public health policy and prevent proper solutions.
Gotta have a good diagnosis to develop a good treatment.
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