In 2002 the American Heart Association came out in favor of hypothermia in cardiac arrest patients resuscitated from a shockable rhythmn based on 2002 research.
Well, like many positive findings in medical research, more research has produced a retreat from that conclusion.
Continue reading Hypothermia Therapy for Resuscitation Takes a Hit
Category: Medicine
Meth Grasshopper? Make you strong.
Imagine that speed would make a person like your traditional herbal remedy?
Sensible Medicine Discussion
Gorski provides insight and analysis on evidence based medicine, that might promote better medical decision making, even reduce waste and unnecessary even risky procedures or treatments.
I liked it.
An experiment in paying through the nose for “unnecessary care”
Psych Unbound or Unleashed
There are few writers on psychiatry, social and cultural matters who can improve on the commentary of Theodore Dalrymple (the nom de plume of Anthony Daniels, a Brit psychiatrist).
Continue reading Psych Unbound or Unleashed