NY Psych Industry Pushing Something that's Crazy

I won’t go into too long a lecture about the stupidity of this proposal to close the NY State Psych Hospitals,
but someone in the psych industry needs to have his head examined.
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Junk Numbers on Unemployment and the Uninsured

Politics can produce junkscience economics/social sciences numbers that confuse public health policy and prevent proper solutions.
Gotta have a good diagnosis to develop a good treatment.
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Dr. Krauthammer, Meet Dr. Dunn, HMO Vet

Charles Krauthammer’s wrote insightfully and was cited here on his comments on the realities of medical care and the myths that drive current plans.
However, there are more myths than even Dr. K is aware of.
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Complementary Medicine Sounds So Good

An opponent of complementary medicine (vitamins and supplement promoted beyond their proven effect) quits his academic position in protest of a 15 million dollar grant to his U,-public-health-professor-has-quit-after-his-uni-did-a-15-million-research-deal-with-swisse-2014-2 La Trobe for research from Swisse, a vit maker.
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Problems at Parkland

In spite of problems at Parkland, one of their execs is now promoted to a top spot in Chicago.
I would never be able to sort out what was going on at Parkland. Like most public systems it is opaque to a fault.
Ron Anderson was the big shot for a long time there and he certainly was full of himself.

Another Anti-Military Anti-War Agent Orange Panic Attack

Agent Orange caused a form of Acne for people with extreme exposures. Called Chlor Acne.
Nothing else, and it doesn’t cause cancer.
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