Washington Post anti-semitic cartoon catches national media attention courtesy of JunkScience.com

The JunkScience.com story/mega-tweet about the Washington Post anti-semitic depiction of Trump supports has had a big 24 hours getting stories on FOXNews.com, DailyCaller.com, Breitbart.com, CBNNews.com, DailyCartoonist.com, SputnikNews.com (Russkies) and on Fox News’ program The Five (clip below) — kudos to Katie Pavlich and Greg Gutfeld for straightening out the blowhard Geraldo Rivera.

Washington Post uses Nazi anti-semitic rat imagery for Trump supporters in cartoon

We report. You decide. Compare today’s Washington Post cartoon by Pulitzer Prize-winner Ann Telnaes with the one published on February 2, 1939 in the Viennese newspaper in Das Kleine Blatt.

Here’s the WaPo cartoon…

And here’s the Nazi newspaper cartoon… Continue reading Washington Post uses Nazi anti-semitic rat imagery for Trump supporters in cartoon

Jacoby on Preaching to the Unconverted.

Jeff Jacoby writes for the Boston Globe and he is a conservative.
Imagine being a conservative columnist for a NYT owned Boston newspaper. And Jacoby is not a fake conservative like the NYT David Brooks.
Here Jacoby talks about his 20 year life as a writer of opinions. He relates the nature of putting an opinion on paper and the responses he gets.
I found his approach or attitude to be similar to mine.
I offer opinions based on experience, education and scholarship and what I adopted as a philosophy of life.
We may start off as tabula rasa, but when we write as adults, not so. When we express opinions we tell our story and reveal ourselves and we hope to inform and influence our readers. Worth while–humans are social creatures.

Charlatans Rule at the EPA

Francesca Grifo PhD, doyen of scientific integrity at the Union of Concerned Scientists, has been appointed in charge of scientific integrity at EPA, a lateral move, junk science in the private enviro sector to the same role in government.
With this appointment the EPA accomplishes two things, cover for continued junk science and a thumb in the eye of any serious critic of EPA scientific misconduct.
Continue reading Charlatans Rule at the EPA