Lightbulbs Back in the Omnibus Bill

Clarice Feldman, regular columnist on Sunday at American Thinker, goes over the important items in the new budget.
Glad someone read through it, it actually has some good news.
Continue reading Lightbulbs Back in the Omnibus Bill

Beatty: $50 Light Bulb That Replaces A 25¢ Bulb Got A $10 Million Government ‘Prize’

“The “L” Prize light bulb does save electricity and power costs, but the total cost of ownership (cost for bulb plus electricity cost) shows LED and CFL bulbs to be quite a bit more expensive.” Continue reading Beatty: $50 Light Bulb That Replaces A 25¢ Bulb Got A $10 Million Government ‘Prize’

IBD: Dim Bulbs At The Department Of Energy

As gas prices hit $3.79 (and $4.20 in California), Energy Secretary Steven Chu admits he doesn’t own a car. Seems he doesn’t own any lights either, since he just gave a $10 million “affordability prize” for a $50 bulb. Continue reading IBD: Dim Bulbs At The Department Of Energy

Va. pol says ‘you’re supposed to throw away your shoes’ if a CFL light bulb breaks on them

It’s too bad the Richmond Times-Dispatch doesn’t go to this much trouble to debunk EPA claims about mercury emissions from power plants. Continue reading Va. pol says ‘you’re supposed to throw away your shoes’ if a CFL light bulb breaks on them