Study: Exposure to air pollution is associated with increased deaths after heart attacks

Quite a claim considering that the researchers have no idea how much PM2.5 any subject was exposed to and no medical evidence anyone was killed by PM2.5. Also of note, the EPA-funded University of Rochester tested PM<sub<2.5 on heart attack victims circa 2007-2008. Continue reading Study: Exposure to air pollution is associated with increased deaths after heart attacks

WashTimes: Judge nixes case against EPA human experiments

By Steve Milloy
February 13, 2013, Washington Times

It’s a good thing the U.S Public Health Service called off the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiments in 1972. Had someone sued to stop the horror, a federal judge like the Anthony Trenga might have stopped the suit — not the experiments. Continue reading WashTimes: Judge nixes case against EPA human experiments

WashExam: Senators — ‘EPA talking out of both sides of their mouth’ about illegal human experiments

“Sen. David Vitter, R-La., ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, and fellow committee member Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., accused the Environmental Protection Agency of ‘talking out of both sides of their mouth’ regarding new agency rules that would tighten standards for fine particulate matter – after EPA deliberately exposed 41 people to high concentrations of the pollutant.” Continue reading WashExam: Senators — ‘EPA talking out of both sides of their mouth’ about illegal human experiments

Senators Question EPA Air Regulation Rule Over Human Testing

Sens. Vitter and Sessions write: “Maybe the biggest reason to slow down [EPA’s new PM2.5] rule is that the EPA is talking out of both sides of their mouth. Continue reading Senators Question EPA Air Regulation Rule Over Human Testing

EPA Science Is the ‘New Homeopathy,’ Doctors State

“Either the EPA is lying to Congress about the lethality of PM2.5, or it is engaged in illegal and unethical human experiments, subjecting vulnerable patients to a substance it believes could kill them instantly,” states Jane Orient, M.D., president of Physicians for Civil Defense. Continue reading EPA Science Is the ‘New Homeopathy,’ Doctors State

Human testing lawsuit dismissed; Court lacks jurisdiction to hear case against EPA

So the EPA and its researchers are free to violate all the rules of human experimentation — and no one can do anything about it. Continue reading Human testing lawsuit dismissed; Court lacks jurisdiction to hear case against EPA

NBC-17 Video Report: Alleged conflicts of interest in controversial EPA experiments

The local NBC affiliate in Raleigh, NC takes a look at the North Carolin Medical Board’s decision to ignore the conduct of physicians involved in EPA’s illegal human experiments. Continue reading NBC-17 Video Report: Alleged conflicts of interest in controversial EPA experiments

Dem Senators to Obama: ‘We know air pollution can cause… premature death’

So why does the EPA get to experiment on sick and old people with high levels of killer PM2.5? Continue reading Dem Senators to Obama: ‘We know air pollution can cause… premature death’

North Carolina Medical Board rife with conflicts of interest in EPA human testing controversy

Since the North Carolina Medical Board failed to provide us with any rational whatsoever for its closing its investigation of the EPA human testing docs, we must ask why. Continue reading North Carolina Medical Board rife with conflicts of interest in EPA human testing controversy