State of Michigan to investigate UMich doc for conducting illegal human experiments for EPA

Will Michigan cover-up illegal research conduct like North Carolina did? Continue reading State of Michigan to investigate UMich doc for conducting illegal human experiments for EPA

CFACT files complaint against University of Michigan physician alleging illegal human testing

CFACT has filed a complaint with the state of Michigan’s Health Professions Division alleging that the University of Michigan’s Dr. Robert D. Brook has conducted illegal human experiments on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Continue reading CFACT files complaint against University of Michigan physician alleging illegal human testing

Another shocking disclosure about the illegal EPA human testing experiments readers have previously learned that EPA has been subjecting human study subjects (without obtaining informed consent) to exceedingly high short-term exposures to diesel exhaust (2-hours at roughly 30x typical ambient PM2.5 exposures). You’ve also learned that these experiments have been conducted with exceedingly high short-term ozone exposures (i.e., 400 ppb, when the EPA 8-hour standard is 75 ppb). But we haven’t so far seen… Continue reading Another shocking disclosure about the illegal EPA human testing experiments

Heinous scandal goes ignored by media: EPA’s unethical human testing

National outrage over the federal government’s abuse of power has seemingly hit critical mass over the past month as news about the Internal Revenue Service engaging in political targeting, government spying on AP reporters, the pending government prosecution of a Fox News reporter, and the revelation that the National Security Agency has likely been collecting data on every one of us has dominated the news.

Ignored in all the conversation about abuses is perhaps one of the most heinous of them all. Continue reading Heinous scandal goes ignored by media: EPA’s unethical human testing

Dachau Redux: German researchers violate Nuremberg Code in new high altitude human experiment

You would think that 70 years after the high altitude experiments at Dachau, that researchers (especially German ones) would be more aware of the ethics of human research. And what about the Journal of American Medical Association publishing this ethical abomination? Continue reading Dachau Redux: German researchers violate Nuremberg Code in new high altitude human experiment

Measles surges in UK years after vaccine scare

“This year, the U.K. has had more than 1,200 cases of measles, after a record number of nearly 2,000 cases last year. The country once recorded only several dozen cases every year. It now ranks second in Europe, behind only Romania.” Continue reading Measles surges in UK years after vaccine scare

East Germany allowed Western pharma firms to test new drugs in hospital patients without consent

Looks like news of the Nuremberg Code might not have traveled the 317 km from Nuremberg to Berlin until 1996. Continue reading East Germany allowed Western pharma firms to test new drugs in hospital patients without consent

North Carolina House to vote on ‘puppy mill’ bill — Meanwhile, bill to protect humans from illegal EPA diesel exhaust experiments put on hold

The puppy mill bill would accomplish little if anything. The EPA bill would protect people from rogue government. Guess which one advances… Continue reading North Carolina House to vote on ‘puppy mill’ bill — Meanwhile, bill to protect humans from illegal EPA diesel exhaust experiments put on hold

EPA fights human testing FOIA request: Demands exorbitant fees for recent, easily accessible docs

The agency continues to obstruct independent investigation of its illegal human testing activities. Continue reading EPA fights human testing FOIA request: Demands exorbitant fees for recent, easily accessible docs

EPA fails to explain deletion of illegal diesel experiment on children from data base

In February we FOIA-ed EPA for an explanation of why/how a report describing an illegal experiment exposing children to diesel exhaust was deleted from its data base. EPA responded to our request today. Continue reading EPA fails to explain deletion of illegal diesel experiment on children from data base

Experiment involving 1,300 premature infants ‘failed to adequately inform parents’ of treatment risks

“They went out of their way to tell you that your kid might benefit. But they didn’t give the flip side, which is that there is a chance your kid might end up worse off. You can’t have it both ways.” Continue reading Experiment involving 1,300 premature infants ‘failed to adequately inform parents’ of treatment risks