NY Psych Industry Pushing Something that's Crazy

I won’t go into too long a lecture about the stupidity of this proposal to close the NY State Psych Hospitals,
but someone in the psych industry needs to have his head examined.
Continue reading NY Psych Industry Pushing Something that's Crazy

Junk Numbers on Unemployment and the Uninsured

Politics can produce junkscience economics/social sciences numbers that confuse public health policy and prevent proper solutions.
Gotta have a good diagnosis to develop a good treatment.
Continue reading Junk Numbers on Unemployment and the Uninsured

Bird Flu Update from China

More on the new Bird Flu–a chance for public health people to get some face and mic time.
Let’s see, how many years now have we been scared about Bird Flu? This time it’s really scary?

Heroin ODs in Pittsburgh

The rash of Heroin OD deaths in Alleghany County? In my experience potency of the street product is often the cause.
Or new, what we call naive users.

Corona Viruses Are Virulent, New One from the Middle East

The SARS epidemic of 2003 was caused by a corona virus, but it was not the Bird Flu. One of our smart readers caught my mistake. I was confused by my recollection of the high mortality of bird flu, like corona virus infections.
Continue reading Corona Viruses Are Virulent, New One from the Middle East

Single Payor Healthcare Mediocrity and Rationing in the UK

John Goodman’s tale of things going south in the UK.
I ran an HMO one time in my life–CEO and Medical Director.
In a managed single source healthcare system you can always control costs by limiting access, appointments available, phone lines–use your imagination.