Zubrin: The Greens’ Attack on Mariculture

“Previously, environmentalists objected to human actions that harmed whales. But now, human actions that help whales also evoke horror. So clearly, it’s not about whales at all. It’s about prohibiting human activity, which is seen as intrinsically evil and therefore in need of constraint, regardless of its nature.” Continue reading Zubrin: The Greens’ Attack on Mariculture

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Terminator, Body-Builder, and Global Leader on Climate-Change

“Sitting back in a walnut-paneled holding room while he waited to receive his U.N. award, Schwarzenegger propped an alligator-skin shoe up on the coffee table and held forth on the stakes of the California climate law.” Continue reading Arnold Schwarzenegger: Terminator, Body-Builder, and Global Leader on Climate-Change

‘Save the Environment…from Susan Rice’

“Ms. Rice ‘holds significant investments in more than a dozen Canadian oil companies and banks that would stand to benefit from expansion of the North American tar sands industry and construction of the proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline.’ (onearth.org, Nov. 28, 2012).” [Canada Free Press]

Climate alarmist utility CEO forced out by regulators

Duke Energy CEO and USCAP co-founder Jim Rogers will get to spend more time with the grandchildren who taught him about the dangers of global warming. [Indiana Business Journal]


For more posters, check out JunkScience.com’s “Carbon Criminal” campaign, which was denounced by Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Gore gets $257,000 for climate speech in Gibraltar

Flashback from Gore’s 2009 Congressional testimony: “And, Congresswoman, if you’re — if you believe that the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is because of greed, you don’t know me.” Continue reading Gore gets $257,000 for climate speech in Gibraltar