Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV

Global warming took a back seat in Al Gore’s sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera. Continue reading Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV

Keystone XL Hypocrisy: Opponent Tom Friedman rails about home energy use despite living in mega-mansion

Friedman writes in his Sunday NYTimes column: Continue reading Keystone XL Hypocrisy: Opponent Tom Friedman rails about home energy use despite living in mega-mansion

Al Gore Sued Over Current TV Sale to Al Jazeera

A $5 million lawsuit claims Gore was “adamant” about not selling his network to oil-rich Qataris but had a “change of heart,” then stiffed the man who came up with the idea for the deal. Continue reading Al Gore Sued Over Current TV Sale to Al Jazeera

Liberal Charity: ex-TraderJoe’s exec leads effort to give expired food to poor

What happens when liberals run out of other-people’s-money to give away. Continue reading Liberal Charity: ex-TraderJoe’s exec leads effort to give expired food to poor

Enviro consultants lobby for coal export terminals; Attacked as ‘planet-f**king money-grubbing sellouts’

So says Dave “Nuremberg-trials-for-skeptics” Roberts. Continue reading Enviro consultants lobby for coal export terminals; Attacked as ‘planet-f**king money-grubbing sellouts’

Pot, Kettle: Vinod Khosla tweets that ‘59% of America’s tuna isn’t actually tuna’

Possibly, but cellulosic ethanol is a 100% failure and at least a 59% scam. Continue reading Pot, Kettle: Vinod Khosla tweets that ‘59% of America’s tuna isn’t actually tuna’

Dave ‘Nuremberg Trials for Skeptics’ Roberts likens fossil fuels to slavery

He wasn’t complaining about fossil fuels when he recently took his kids to an 84-degree indoor water park in Washington state. Continue reading Dave ‘Nuremberg Trials for Skeptics’ Roberts likens fossil fuels to slavery