Driessen Goes Downtown

Paul Driessen writes a regular column for Townhall, and is an ally of those who propose sensible policy on energy and environment issues. He and I agree with few quibbles.
He is a spokesperson and writer for Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) that pushes back on fanatic enviros with a particular emphasis on the negative impact of environmentalist nonsense on the welfare of 3rd World people.
Continue reading Driessen Goes Downtown

No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exists UK to avoid taxes

Hypocrite Virgin Airways owner Richard Branson raves on his blog: Continue reading No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exists UK to avoid taxes

Actress Daryl Hannah recommends pre-industrial energy portfolio — no fossil fuels and reliance on ‘decentralized renewable energy’

UPI reports: Continue reading Actress Daryl Hannah recommends pre-industrial energy portfolio — no fossil fuels and reliance on ‘decentralized renewable energy’

Rich: Michael Mann says ‘villain’ Rupert Murdoch ‘uses his media empire to smear people & groups he doesn’t like’

Wow… here’s his tweet and just a few pot-kettle examples. Continue reading Rich: Michael Mann says ‘villain’ Rupert Murdoch ‘uses his media empire to smear people & groups he doesn’t like’

McKibben to debut global warming doc on Al Jazeera — after slamming Gore for CurrentTV selling to petrodollar-funded network

The Daily Caller reports: Continue reading McKibben to debut global warming doc on Al Jazeera — after slamming Gore for CurrentTV selling to petrodollar-funded network

Warmist McKibben: ‘I don’t know that I feel like a hypocrite anymore. I mean, I fly all the time’

From a Salon interview with 350.org’s Bill McKibben: Continue reading Warmist McKibben: ‘I don’t know that I feel like a hypocrite anymore. I mean, I fly all the time’

Your iPhone uses more energy than a refrigerator… Hello, may I speak with Apple board member Al Gore?

The Week reports: Continue reading Your iPhone uses more energy than a refrigerator… Hello, may I speak with Apple board member Al Gore?

Obama dog choppered separately to vacation home; FLASHBACK 2008: ‘We can’t keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times’

The Telegraph reports: Continue reading Obama dog choppered separately to vacation home; FLASHBACK 2008: ‘We can’t keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times’

Ed Rogers: ‘Obama wants to punish America for its wasteful past. But of course, the rules don’t apply to him and his family’

GOP strategist Ed Rogers writes in the Washington Post: Continue reading Ed Rogers: ‘Obama wants to punish America for its wasteful past. But of course, the rules don’t apply to him and his family’

Richard Branson dishes on his curious conversion from climate skeptic to warmist CEO helping to ‘wreck the planet’

In an interview with the CEO of the Nature Conservancy, Branson claims to have been a skeptic — his conversion began with a bath time phone call from Al Gore. Continue reading Richard Branson dishes on his curious conversion from climate skeptic to warmist CEO helping to ‘wreck the planet’