20 Years Ago: 4-25-93 — Al Gore reports $20,000 in royalties, takes $4,400 depletion allowance from zinc mining on family farm

“Somehow, despite his ecological principles and concern with tax fairness, Gore manages to deposit the check and take the depletion allowance.” Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-25-93 — Al Gore reports $20,000 in royalties, takes $4,400 depletion allowance from zinc mining on family farm

John Kerry: We must ‘safeguard our God-given natural resources… for future generations’ — So who gets to use them and when?

Answers: No one and never. Continue reading John Kerry: We must ‘safeguard our God-given natural resources… for future generations’ — So who gets to use them and when?

Joe Romm: ‘I don’t worry about the earth… Concern over the earth is elitist’

“…something people can afford to spend their time on when every other need is met.” Continue reading Joe Romm: ‘I don’t worry about the earth… Concern over the earth is elitist’

Enviro writer in meltdown after Senate gun vote; Tweets ‘F*ck Max Baucus’, Calls Mark Pryor a ‘colossal a**hole’

Grist.org’s Dave “Nuremberg-Trials-for-Skeptics” Roberts has rude comments about Democrat Senators voting against the gun control bill today. Continue reading Enviro writer in meltdown after Senate gun vote; Tweets ‘F*ck Max Baucus’, Calls Mark Pryor a ‘colossal a**hole’

Ex-UK Science Advisor: Environmental safety rules have reached ‘mad’ levels because of a failure to understand the difference between risk and hazard

Environmental safety rules have reached “mad” levels because of a failure to understand the difference between risk and hazard, the Government’s former chief scientific adviser has said. Continue reading Ex-UK Science Advisor: Environmental safety rules have reached ‘mad’ levels because of a failure to understand the difference between risk and hazard

Billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham: ‘Anyone with a brain knows that climate change needs governmental leadership’

A billionaire proves the Peter Principle. Comments by Grantham in an interview by The Guardian. Continue reading Billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham: ‘Anyone with a brain knows that climate change needs governmental leadership’

Lisa Jackson steals credit for environmental justice at EPA

The bogus concept was actually brought to EPA in 1990 (during the administration of George H.W. Bush) in the form of the Workgroup on Environmental Equity and expanded into an office of its own in 1992. Continue reading Lisa Jackson steals credit for environmental justice at EPA

The Nation: ‘So difficult to mobilize a climate movement’ because ‘it is antithetical to our normal ways of thinking and acting’

Roger that! Continue reading The Nation: ‘So difficult to mobilize a climate movement’ because ‘it is antithetical to our normal ways of thinking and acting’