Enviro consultants lobby for coal export terminals; Attacked as ‘planet-f**king money-grubbing sellouts’

So says Dave “Nuremberg-trials-for-skeptics” Roberts. Continue reading Enviro consultants lobby for coal export terminals; Attacked as ‘planet-f**king money-grubbing sellouts’

Enviro: Isn’t it ethical to use less heating?

“Turning the heating up is probably paying to heat the sky, as most energy disappears through the roof. Remind people of this and that you’d rather be chilly by choice than warm by compulsion.” Continue reading Enviro: Isn’t it ethical to use less heating?

Pot, Kettle: Vinod Khosla tweets that ‘59% of America’s tuna isn’t actually tuna’

Possibly, but cellulosic ethanol is a 100% failure and at least a 59% scam. Continue reading Pot, Kettle: Vinod Khosla tweets that ‘59% of America’s tuna isn’t actually tuna’

Dave ‘Nuremberg Trials for Skeptics’ Roberts likens fossil fuels to slavery

He wasn’t complaining about fossil fuels when he recently took his kids to an 84-degree indoor water park in Washington state. Continue reading Dave ‘Nuremberg Trials for Skeptics’ Roberts likens fossil fuels to slavery

Getting Gored: Michael Mann’s Apocalyptic Prophecies and Al Jazeera’s Green Jihad

Mark Musser spotlights some real “deniers” and their ties to radical environmentalism. Continue reading Getting Gored: Michael Mann’s Apocalyptic Prophecies and Al Jazeera’s Green Jihad

Moonbat: ‘The educational charities that do PR for the rightwing ultra-rich’

Wake us when George Monbiot hyperventilates about corporate and billionaire funding of green groups. Continue reading Moonbat: ‘The educational charities that do PR for the rightwing ultra-rich’

Steyer-gate: Billionaire a major supporter of Center for American Progress

Center for American Progress-endorsed Energy Secretary pick nominee Thomas Steyer is also a major financial support of the group. Continue reading Steyer-gate: Billionaire a major supporter of Center for American Progress

Juliet Eilperin fails to disclose conflict in WaPo puff piece for potential Energy Secretary pick

No wonder the WaPo wants to get rid of its ombudsman (public editor) position. Continue reading Juliet Eilperin fails to disclose conflict in WaPo puff piece for potential Energy Secretary pick