Milloy talks drunk-driving kill switch and gas prices with Kara McKinney on OANN

From the December 3, 2021 episode of Tipping Point.

From my cold dead lips…

I was refused a straw last week at a Washington, DC restaurant last week. Apparently (who knew?) straws were banned on January 1 and restaurants have until July 1 to comply with the irrational dictate. I just ordered “soda shop style” plastic straws from Amazon. The law says restaurants can’t provide plastic straws. It doesn’t say I can’t bring my own. Who would ever have though straws would become a front in the struggle for liberty?

As per my 2009 best seller, “Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them” (Regnery, 2009). there is no part of your life that the totalitarian greens don’t want to own and operate.

DC Bar Bulletin interviews Milloy about overregulation

I set a new standard for level of discourse in the DC Bar Bulletin: “I’m not crapping on the general notion of regulations, but the problem is overregulation.”

Continue reading DC Bar Bulletin interviews Milloy about overregulation

Enviros plot to have states force cars off the road or lose federal highway funds

As predicted in my book Green Hell, they are coming for our cars. Continue reading Enviros plot to have states force cars off the road or lose federal highway funds

I’m an Oregon rancher. Here’s what you don’t understand about the Bundy standoff.

“The Obama administration has pushed our livelihood to the brink.” Continue reading I’m an Oregon rancher. Here’s what you don’t understand about the Bundy standoff.