Scientists: EU must embrace GMO crops or become ‘dependent on outside world for food, feed and scientific progress’

EU nations can import, but not grow GMO crops. Continue reading Scientists: EU must embrace GMO crops or become ‘dependent on outside world for food, feed and scientific progress’

Admission: NYTimes Food Nanny says ‘little or no reliable evidence that food manufactured with ingredients from genetically engineered plants is directly harmful to humans’

Foments worry nonetheless: “That’s not the same thing as saying that the potential isn’t there for novel proteins and other chemicals to generate unexpected problems.” Continue reading Admission: NYTimes Food Nanny says ‘little or no reliable evidence that food manufactured with ingredients from genetically engineered plants is directly harmful to humans’

Don’t Fear the ‘Frankenfish’: Why Rich Americans Should Drop Their War on Genetically Modified Foods

“Upper crust grocery stores like Whole Foods are taking a moral stand against genetically modified meat and vegetables, even though these products could help solve hunger for billions.” Continue reading Don’t Fear the ‘Frankenfish’: Why Rich Americans Should Drop Their War on Genetically Modified Foods

Demolishing the myth that Monsanto’s engineered crops drove 270,000 Indian farmers to suicide

Vandana Shiva claimed: “Two hundred and seventy thousand Indian farmers have committed suicide since Monsanto entered the Indian seed market. That’s more than a quarter-million. It’s a genocide.” Continue reading Demolishing the myth that Monsanto’s engineered crops drove 270,000 Indian farmers to suicide

UK Green Terrorist Recants: Blames enviros for global warming, supports biotech rice

A former first-string campaigner, now the greens consider him a non-person. Continue reading UK Green Terrorist Recants: Blames enviros for global warming, supports biotech rice

The GMO Stalemate in Europe

“Europe’s lack of trust in GMOs reflects a wider distrust of science. Similar attitudes prevail concerning shale gas and nuclear power. The irony is that the generations who have benefited most from scientific progress are now the most suspicious of science.” Continue reading The GMO Stalemate in Europe

Lomborg: Golden rice opponents helped kill 8 million children

“Finally, after 12 years of delay caused by opponents of genetically modified (GM) foods, so-called “golden rice” with vitamin A will be grown in the Philippines. Over those 12 years, about eight million children worldwide died from vitamin A deficiency. Are anti-GM advocates not partly responsible?” Continue reading Lomborg: Golden rice opponents helped kill 8 million children

After 30 years, is a GM food breakthrough finally here?

“The reactions of bureaucracies to golden rice were also described by Beyer as “hard to believe”. “We have had to undergo endless trials and tests and endure endless amounts of bureaucracy.” Continue reading After 30 years, is a GM food breakthrough finally here?

Uncovered, the ‘toxic’ gene hiding in GM crops: Revelation throws new doubt over safety of foods

“A virus gene that could be poisonous to humans has been missed when GM food crops have been assessed for safety.” Continue reading Uncovered, the ‘toxic’ gene hiding in GM crops: Revelation throws new doubt over safety of foods