Eating too LITTLE salt may INCREASE your risk of a heart attack or stroke, claims controversial new research

Government “science” wrong? Shocking — NOT! Continue reading Eating too LITTLE salt may INCREASE your risk of a heart attack or stroke, claims controversial new research

Claim: Higher potato consumption associated with increased risk of high blood pressure

Not scientific. Data collected by survey from memory. Nonsense. Continue reading Claim: Higher potato consumption associated with increased risk of high blood pressure

Claim: Artificially sweetened beverages consumed in pregnancy linked to increased infant BMI

First study of its kind. Exposure data based on (likely inaccurate) recall. Health endpoint (baby weight at 1-year) of uncertain/dubious significance. Continue reading Claim: Artificially sweetened beverages consumed in pregnancy linked to increased infant BMI

Claim: ‘Mediterranean’ diet linked to lower risk of heart attacks & strokes in heart patients

If these associations are true (always an issue), this is probably actually a socio-economic effect. Continue reading Claim: ‘Mediterranean’ diet linked to lower risk of heart attacks & strokes in heart patients

Claim: Pollutants in fish inhibit human’s natural defense system

The authors offer no evidence of any harm caused despite consumption of much fish containing POPs. Continue reading Claim: Pollutants in fish inhibit human’s natural defense system