Anti-salt nannies push study that actually debunks alleged benefits of salt reduction

They’re counting on you not reading the study. Continue reading Anti-salt nannies push study that actually debunks alleged benefits of salt reduction

Six Reasons Organic is NOT the Most Environmentally Friendly Way To Farm

“While ‘only natural’ is appealing as a marketing message, it is not the best guide for how to farm with minimal environmental impact.” Continue reading Six Reasons Organic is NOT the Most Environmentally Friendly Way To Farm

Food Nannies: Menu labels should display amount of exercise needed to burn calories

“Calories-in = calories-out” is yet another food myth. Continue reading Food Nannies: Menu labels should display amount of exercise needed to burn calories

Food Nanny Scheme: Anti-salt activists favor stealth removal of salt from foods; Want to ‘change’ your taste

“We think it best to continue to reduce salt in food without drawing attention to it. because we are reducing salt across the board, tastes are changing.” Continue reading Food Nanny Scheme: Anti-salt activists favor stealth removal of salt from foods; Want to ‘change’ your taste

Low salt campaign backfires: Study reports rise in sodium intake despite warnings; Low-salt linked with obesity?

Less salt means people eat more food. Continue reading Low salt campaign backfires: Study reports rise in sodium intake despite warnings; Low-salt linked with obesity?

Science Fair Project: Organic produce healthier — for fruit flies

Sadly for this young scientist, nutrient levels in organic and conventional produce are the same, regardless of what happened to the fruit flies. Possibly lower pesticides residues may have had something to do with fruit fly health — but that’s pesticides’ raison d’etre. Kudos for creativity, though! Continue reading Science Fair Project: Organic produce healthier — for fruit flies

Illinois Congressman introduces bill to curb CDC-funded propaganda against politically incorrect foods and beverages

It’s called the “Stopping Taxpayer Outlays for Propaganda Act” (STOP Act). Continue reading Illinois Congressman introduces bill to curb CDC-funded propaganda against politically incorrect foods and beverages

Depression, stress higher in people with lower salt intake

“Data from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey demonstrated that depression and stress was higher in individuals who consumed less salt, a trend more prevalent in women than men.” Continue reading Depression, stress higher in people with lower salt intake

RIP latest meat scare: Clinical studies show L-carnitine ‘improves patient outcomes following heart attack’ — So how could it cause atherosclerosis?

A 4-day scare. Continue reading RIP latest meat scare: Clinical studies show L-carnitine ‘improves patient outcomes following heart attack’ — So how could it cause atherosclerosis?

Mexico City’s Bloomberg takes salt off restaurant tables; Diners need to ask — ‘Me puede dar la sal, por favor?’

“Mexico City Health Secretary Armando Ahued launched a campaign, dubbed ‘Less Salt, More Health,’ late last week to get restaurants to take salt shakers off their tables.” Continue reading Mexico City’s Bloomberg takes salt off restaurant tables; Diners need to ask — ‘Me puede dar la sal, por favor?’

This man wants to lecture you on food and obesity — Yale’s Kelly Brownell: How many meals has he missed?

Not too many from the looks of it. Continue reading This man wants to lecture you on food and obesity — Yale’s Kelly Brownell: How many meals has he missed?