NY Times reporter whitewashes Climategate story he is part of

Below is a text of the letter sent to clark Hoyt, the public editor (ombudsman) for the New York Times:

Mr. Hoyt,

Shouldn’t Andrew Revkin haved recused himself from his Nov. 21 front-page article, “Hacked E-mail Is New Fodder for Climate Dispute“?

First, as Revkin briefly acknowledges in the article, he is part of the story. Isn’t it a breach of journalistic ethics for a reporter to report on a story of which he is part?

Moreover, his story to a great extent defended his sources. It’s one thing to rely on sources; it is quite another to defend them at the expense of unbiased and accurate reporting about them.

This is not an innocent faux pas either.

Revkin tried to whitewash the significance of the story — including distracting readers away from the embarrassing/incriminating contents of the files and, instead, focusing them on the alleged hacking.

Finally, as we will report tomorrow, there seems to have been no “hack” at all.

The files appear to have been accumulated in preparation of a possible court-ordered FOIA release on a server to which the public had access. It is not “hacking” to access files that are publicly available. It may have been unwise/improper to store the file on a public server, but that is a different matter. There is no evidence that anything illegal occurred in the release of the files.

The hacking allegation, of course, was a terrific distraction device.

Perhaps a journalist more interested in unbiased reporting and less interested in defending his personal relationships with the subjects in the e-mails and his personal pro-climate alarmist agenda would have investigated and caught this. But then Andrew Revkin was the wrong man for the job.

Steve Milloy
Publisher, JunkScience.com

NY Times reporter whitewashes Climategate story he is part of

Below is a text of the letter sent to clark Hoyt, the public editor (ombudsman) for the New York Times:

Mr. Hoyt,

Shouldn’t Andrew Revkin haved recused himself from his Nov. 21 front-page article, “Hacked E-mail Is New Fodder for Climate Dispute“?

First, as Revkin briefly acknowledges in the article, he is part of the story. Isn’t it a breach of journalistic ethics for a reporter to report on a story of which he is part?

Moreover, his story to a great extent defended his sources. It’s one thing to rely on sources; it is quite another to defend them at the expense of unbiased and accurate reporting about them.

This is not an innocent faux pas either.

Revkin tried to whitewash the significance of the story — including distracting readers away from the embarrassing/incriminating contents of the files and, instead, focusing them on the alleged hacking.

Finally, as we will report tomorrow, there seems to have been no “hack” at all.

The files appear to have been accumulated in preparation of a possible court-ordered FOIA release on a server to which the public had access. It is not “hacking” to access files that are publicly available. It may have been unwise/improper to store the file on a public server, but that is a different matter. There is no evidence that anything illegal occurred in the release of the files.

The hacking allegation, of course, was a terrific distraction device.

Perhaps a journalist more interested in unbiased reporting and less interested in defending his personal relationships with the subjects in the e-mails and his personal pro-climate alarmist agenda would have investigated and caught this. But then Andrew Revkin was the wrong man for the job.

Steve Milloy
Publisher, JunkScience.com

Must-see video: Coal CEO routs green reporter

Unlike most fossil fuel company CEOs, Massey Energy’s Don Blankenship knows his global warming.

Nevertheless, in a new interview, E&E TV reporter Monica Trauzzi seems bent on making a fool of him

Blankenship, however, is more than up to the challenge.

Click here to watch the duel and/or read the transcript.

If more U.S. CEOs were as knowledgable and articulate as Blankenship, our nation wouldn’t be on the precipice of a swan dive into junk science-fueled totalitariansim.

Must-see video: Coal CEO routs green reporter

Unlike most fossil fuel company CEOs, Massey Energy’s Don Blankenship knows his global warming.

Nevertheless, in a new interview, E&E TV reporter Monica Trauzzi seems bent on making a fool of him

Blankenship, however, is more than up to the challenge.

Click here to watch the duel and/or read the transcript.

If more U.S. CEOs were as knowledgable and articulate as Blankenship, our nation wouldn’t be on the precipice of a swan dive into junk science-fueled totalitariansim.

Skeptics winning in UK

From the Times (UK):

“Less than half the population believes that human activity is to blame for global warming, according to an exclusive poll for The Times.”

How do the never-say-die alarmists respond?

Vicky Pope, head of climate change advice at the Met Office, said that growing awareness of the scale of the problem appeared to be resulting in people taking refuge in denial.

Pope’s explanation is why most people accept that

2 + 2 = 4.

They are aware of the “scale of the problem” of believing that

2 + 2 = 5.

I guess Guardian worry-wort George Monbiot is going have to write harder and to think of new names to call his “sceptics.”

Skeptics winning in UK

From the Times (UK):

“Less than half the population believes that human activity is to blame for global warming, according to an exclusive poll for The Times.”

How do the never-say-die alarmists respond?

Vicky Pope, head of climate change advice at the Met Office, said that growing awareness of the scale of the problem appeared to be resulting in people taking refuge in denial.

Pope’s explanation is why most people accept that

2 + 2 = 4.

They are aware of the “scale of the problem” of believing that

2 + 2 = 5.

I guess Guardian worry-wort George Monbiot is going have to write harder and to think of new names to call his “sceptics.”

Call Lindsey Graham: Tell him cap and trade turns you off

From the American energy Alliance:

Call Lindsey Graham’s state offices:

  • Greenville, SC: 864-250-1417
  • Columbia, SC: 803-933-0112
  • Florence, SC: 843-669-1505
  • Mt. Pleasant, SC: 843-849-3887
  • Rock Hil, SC: 803-366-2828
  • Pendelton, SC: 864-646-4090

Skeptics abound in Ill. gubernatorioal race

From the Associated Press:

Most of the Republican candidates for Illinois governor flatly reject the idea that human activity contributes to global warming, a position that contradicts the overwhelming consensus among climate scientists.

Five of the seven Republican candidates claim rising temperatures have nothing to do with pollution from cars, factories or power plants.

Keep calm and carry on…

an open letter to U.S. Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donohue about the recent defections of companies from the Chamber…

October 7, 2009

Mr. Tom Donohue
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
1615 H St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20062-2000

Dear Mr. Donohue:

We urge you to continue your strong opposition to the cap-and-tax bills passed by the House and now introduced in the Senate.

Much has been made in the pro-cap-and-tax mainstream press and trade media about the relatively few companies who have quit the Chamber over “cap and tax.” We say good riddance to rent-seekers and hypocrites:

  • Exelon Corp. is one of the very few utilities that are actually planning to make money off of “cap and tax” – up to $750 million annually per $10 increase in the price of CO2 – for doing nothing other than selling the free credits it gets from Congress, according to CEO John Rowe. Consumers and taxpayers are the ones who will be looted for this booty.
  • Apple Corp. said it was leaving the Chamber because of its supposed concerns for the environment. If Apple was really concerned about the environment, it would stop exploiting lax-to-non-existent Chinese environmental laws in the manufacture of its products. If Apple really cared about the environment, it would pressure China to adopt the Clean Air Act for starters. For all its green posturing, Apple should quit China not the Chamber.
  • Nike manufactures its shoes and clothes in sweatshops in Indonesia, paying its workers approximately $1.25 a day, while competitor New Balance manufactures its products in the U.S. So Nike wants new federal laws that place New Balance at a competitive disadvantage. Perhaps we are being too harsh. Maybe Nike is truly concerned about “global warming” increasing the temperature in its sweatshops and, thereby, decreasing the productivity of its near-slave-labor.

These are three companies out of the thousands that you represent. The Chamber has a long and proud history of being the nation’s strongest voice for American business. We are all depending on your leadership against “cap and tax,” which will do nothing but harm American businesses, families, workers, consumers and, ultimately, America itself.


Steve Milloy
Publisher, JunkScience.com

Boycott Nike

Nike has quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because the Chamber opposes Waxman-Markey.

I don’t know about you, but I won’t be purchasing any Nike products for a while. If you oppose the socialist-takeover-of-America-via-global warming, you won’t either.

Goodbye Nike — and don’t let cap-and-trade hit you in the sweatshops.


Copy this logo and put it on your web site.

Exelon joins U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking

JunkScience.com has obtained what purports to be a media release announcing Exelon Corp.’s founding of a new industry trade association, the U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking. The announcement follows in the wake of Exelon’s Sep. 28 resignation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of the Chamber’s opposition to carbon dioxide emissions caps.

Chicago, IL, Sep. 28, Un-American Newswire ─ Exelon Corp., the operator of the largest fleet of nuclear power plans in the U.S., announced that it was cancelling its membership in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to start a new group called the U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking.

“We’ve had enough of free enterprise, free markets, risk, and competition,” said Exelon CEO John Rowe. “The future, as we see it, is rentseeking ─ that is, big business getting in bed with big government in order to guarantee big profits, he added.”

Exelon quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of the Chamber’s opposition to global warming regulation, including its call for a 21st century “Scopes monkey trail” over whether carbon dioxide (CO2) is a pollutant.

“We prefer the view of, say, Stanford University professor Stephen Schneider who recently told the media that there is no safe level of CO2 in the atmosphere,” Rowe noted. “Junk science is good for cap-and-trade and cap-and-trade is good for Exelon ─ we’ll make billions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing,” he added.

Under the Waxman-Markey bill that was passed by the House of Representatives in June, Rowe told Wall Street analysts that Exelon would make up to $750 million annually for every $10-per-ton increase in the price of CO2 allowances that Exelon would get for free under the legislation.

“All we need do is to sell the allowances as soon as we get our hot little hands on them and we’re in the deep green. No fuss, no muss.” observed Rowe.

“So as you can see, it makes absolutely no sense for us to belong to a group like the Chamber of Commerce that endangers such government-guaranteed profiteering,” said Rowe.

“Sure taxes and energy prices will have to skyrocket, and the American economy will take a big hit under cap-and-trade,” but Exelon’s annual profits will increase by an estimated 40 percent ─ did I mention that this is for doing absolutely nothing? In life, you have to make trade-offs. I’ve traded my principles and patriotism for unearned, windfall and government-guaranteed profits.” he added.

In the first six months of 2009, Exelon spent $2.5 million lobbying for the Waxman-Markey bill. If Exelon reaps the expected profits, its return on investment would be on the order of 30,000,000 percent.

“I can only imagine what my annual bonus will look like,” Rowe opined, “I wonder if our payroll system can handle that many zeroes?”

Asked about the new U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking, Rowe said that the first three members will be Exelon, and fellow electric utilities Pacific Gas & Electric and PNM Resources, who also quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this week over global warming.

“We’ll probably raid the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) for members,” Rowe noted. USCAP is a coalition of big business and environmental activist groups that are lobbying for global warming regulation. “They’ll be eager to join us on the government gravy train.”

As a public service and because rentseeking is not yet a crime, JunkScience.com last week announced its “Carbon Criminal” WANTED poster campaign, featuring Exelon CEO John Rowe and other USCAP CEOs.

The posters may be viewed at http://www.junkscience.com/Wanted.

Exelon joins U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking

JunkScience.com has obtained what purports to be a media release announcing Exelon Corp.’s founding of a new industry trade association, the U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking. The announcement follows in the wake of Exelon’s Sep. 28 resignation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of the Chamber’s opposition to carbon dioxide emissions caps.

Chicago, IL, Sep. 28, Un-American Newswire ─ Exelon Corp., the operator of the largest fleet of nuclear power plans in the U.S., announced that it was cancelling its membership in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to start a new group called the U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking.

“We’ve had enough of free enterprise, free markets, risk, and competition,” said Exelon CEO John Rowe. “The future, as we see it, is rentseeking ─ that is, big business getting in bed with big government in order to guarantee big profits, he added.”

Exelon quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of the Chamber’s opposition to global warming regulation, including its call for a 21st century “Scopes monkey trail” over whether carbon dioxide (CO2) is a pollutant.

“We prefer the view of, say, Stanford University professor Stephen Schneider who recently told the media that there is no safe level of CO2 in the atmosphere,” Rowe noted. “Junk science is good for cap-and-trade and cap-and-trade is good for Exelon ─ we’ll make billions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing,” he added.

Under the Waxman-Markey bill that was passed by the House of Representatives in June, Rowe told Wall Street analysts that Exelon would make up to $750 million annually for every $10-per-ton increase in the price of CO2 allowances that Exelon would get for free under the legislation.

“All we need do is to sell the allowances as soon as we get our hot little hands on them and we’re in the deep green. No fuss, no muss.” observed Rowe.

“So as you can see, it makes absolutely no sense for us to belong to a group like the Chamber of Commerce that endangers such government-guaranteed profiteering,” said Rowe.

“Sure taxes and energy prices will have to skyrocket, and the American economy will take a big hit under cap-and-trade,” but Exelon’s annual profits will increase by an estimated 40 percent ─ did I mention that this is for doing absolutely nothing? In life, you have to make trade-offs. I’ve traded my principles and patriotism for unearned, windfall and government-guaranteed profits.” he added.

In the first six months of 2009, Exelon spent $2.5 million lobbying for the Waxman-Markey bill. If Exelon reaps the expected profits, its return on investment would be on the order of 30,000,000 percent.

“I can only imagine what my annual bonus will look like,” Rowe opined, “I wonder if our payroll system can handle that many zeroes?”

Asked about the new U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking, Rowe said that the first three members will be Exelon, and fellow electric utilities Pacific Gas & Electric and PNM Resources, who also quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this week over global warming.

“We’ll probably raid the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) for members,” Rowe noted. USCAP is a coalition of big business and environmental activist groups that are lobbying for global warming regulation. “They’ll be eager to join us on the government gravy train.”

As a public service and because rentseeking is not yet a crime, JunkScience.com last week announced its “Carbon Criminal” WANTED poster campaign, featuring Exelon CEO John Rowe and other USCAP CEOs.

The posters may be viewed at http://www.junkscience.com/Wanted.