Introducing… BURN MORE COAL… state-of-the-art pro-humanity advocacy

From “Welcome. We love coal. Beautiful clean coal. We want electric utilities to drop their foolhardy anti-coal political correctness so they can burn more coal to power our economy, raise our standard of living, secure our nation and set an example for the rest of the world. We own stock in electric utilities — whose announced shuttering of coal plants makes the Obama Clean Power Plan look mild by comparison — so we can advocate for coal as shareholders. You can help us buy stock and support our campaign for coal. You can also help out by giving us your proxy in electric utility stock you own. Check out ABOUT, MANIFESTO, ADVOCACY and PORTFOLIO to learn more about us.” We need your support!

Dr. Battig weighs in on the High Holy Church of Warming Fanatics

Charles is an anesthesiologist, which in my business means he is extraordinary in his knowledge of the human organism.
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ACSH supports Dr. Enstrom, Board member

I certainly have no objection. Thanks ACSH.
I am a member of the ACSH Policy and Advisory panel, when I disagree with them it’s a point of order not a sign of departure.
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The Master is still the Master-just ask the Grasshopper

So Milloy the master says–grasshopper, the Common Rule as adopted by the EPA and the Government, doesn’t really prohibit the Human Experiment Program when toxic or lethal exposures are conducted.
Continue reading The Master is still the Master-just ask the Grasshopper

Proud to Announce the NIPCC Climate Change Reconsidered II

I am a proud supporter of the efforts of Heartland to stop the crazy warmers.
Continue reading Proud to Announce the NIPCC Climate Change Reconsidered II