Bill McEwen: Show us the bodies. Continue reading McEwen: EPA’s $21m won’t fix Valley’s toxic air
Category: EPA
Vitter/Inhofe: Nothing sound about EPA science
“It’s unfortunate that the EPA under President Obama has degenerated into an agency that won’t review, assess, share or critically analyze its scientific work.” Continue reading Vitter/Inhofe: Nothing sound about EPA science
Myth: Nixon created the EPA to help the environment
Not that Nixon was any sort of Republican to write home about anyway. Continue reading Myth: Nixon created the EPA to help the environment
EPA chief: Global warming promotes terrorism
EPA accused of ‘sue and settle’ to expand regulatory reach
“It is time to end this mission creep and restore the EPA’s intended role as described by the Clean Water Act,”says Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio). Continue reading EPA accused of ‘sue and settle’ to expand regulatory reach
EPA hits on new way to attack fracking: Water use
Water contamination is not panning out as a means of stopping fracking. So the EPA is working on a new plan. Continue reading EPA hits on new way to attack fracking: Water use
Arrogance: EPA’s McCarthy says power companies can make mercury deadline
Because EPA and McCarthy have so much experience generating and transmitting electricity? Continue reading Arrogance: EPA’s McCarthy says power companies can make mercury deadline
EPA pushed State Dept. to consider tar sands CO2 emissions for Keystone XL decision
A rational that could be used to shutdown any fossil fuel development project. Continue reading EPA pushed State Dept. to consider tar sands CO2 emissions for Keystone XL decision
GOP seeks legislative fix to EPA, reliability conundrum
Now that utilities and Congressional Republicans have failed to protect our electricity supply against EPA overreach, there’s a conspiracy afoot to protect the utilities from their own failure. This must be opposed. Continue reading GOP seeks legislative fix to EPA, reliability conundrum
Court rejects EPA IG report as evidence in greenhouse gas litigation
Another reason why judicial review of EPA rules needs revamping. Continue reading Court rejects EPA IG report as evidence in greenhouse gas litigation
Surber: Drill, baby, drill works
“We must fight the EPA and return it to working on actual pollution and not made up crap.” Continue reading Surber: Drill, baby, drill works
GAO Report Shows that Flawed Scientific Process at EPA Continues
Sens. Jim Inhofe and David Vitter today today said that a report by the GAO confirms that EPA’s IRIS program is flawed and that the agency is not basing its decisions on the best available science. Continue reading GAO Report Shows that Flawed Scientific Process at EPA Continues