Divine Right of EPA: Agency says it's above the law on human testing

EPA tells the federal court hearing the illegal human testing suit that the agency answers to nothing and no one — i.e., no law and no judge. Continue reading Divine Right of EPA: Agency says it's above the law on human testing

IBD: Is The Obama EPA Running Its Own Black-Ops Program?

“Chris Horner, the CEI senior fellow who learned about the secret emails while researching his book ‘The Liberal War on Transparency,’ calls the Obama White House “one of the most secretive administrations ever.” [Investors Business Daily]

NBC-17 Investigates: Inspector General investigating EPA testing in Chapel Hill

“The EPA declined to offer a comment Monday about the Inspector General’s announcement and continues to maintain that all studies conducted by EPA are independently evaluated for safety and ethics.” [NBC-17, Raleigh]

EPA Inspector General Announces Investigation of Illegal Human Testing

The EPA Office of the Inspector General just announced it will be investigating the JunkScience.com-discovered illegal human testing by EPA scientists. [Click for the EPA OIG’s announcement]

Trzupek: EPA witch hunts on taxpayer dime

“Indeed, as we’ve seen in case after case, this is the EPA’s new approach: Forget about risk evaluation because there is no risk so small that it’s not worth spending huge amounts of public and private dollars to lessen just a little more. That’s not science, folks, nor is it sound public policy. It’s simply a witch hunt, and now that the president has been re-elected, we’re going to have so many more of them that it would make 17th-century Puritans living in Salem blush.” [Rich Trzupek, Washington Times]