Horner: EPA circles wagons in ‘Richard Windsor’ e-mail scandal

“In what is now known as the “Richard Windsor” lawsuit, named after the false identity I discovered outgoing administrator Lisa Jackson had created for herself, the Environmental Protection Agency hand-delivered a CD to me a few minutes before 5 PM on Monday, their deadline under a court order to produce “approximately 3,000” emails to or from Jackson’s secondary or “alias” email account(s).
As the punchline goes, that’s when the fight started.” Continue reading Horner: EPA circles wagons in ‘Richard Windsor’ e-mail scandal

Update on ‘Richard Windsor’ – EPA Email Release ‘Gravely Compounded Unlawful Activity We Have Exposed’

“CEI’s Chris Horner Says Agency Has ‘Gone Bunker’ Over Growing Richard Windsor Scandal.” Continue reading Update on ‘Richard Windsor’ – EPA Email Release ‘Gravely Compounded Unlawful Activity We Have Exposed’

Court denies power industry request to advance US EPA mercury case

A deadline was requested so construction could be planned. The court refused saying the EPA might take the plant’s plight into consideration. Continue reading Court denies power industry request to advance US EPA mercury case

Judge hears jurisdictional argument in ATI v. EPA (human testing lawsuit)

Federal Judge Anthony Trenga listened to about one hour of argument today in American Tradition Institute v. EPA, our lawsuit to end ongoing illegal scientific experiments involving human beings conducted by the EPA. At the conclusion of argument, Judge Trenga took the case on advisement. Stay tuned for his decision on the jurisdictional matters in dispute.

Alert: ATI v. EPA (human testing lawsuit) hearing set for Jan. 3

A federal court will decide tomorrow whether it has jurisdiction to hear the the American Tradition Institute’s claims of illegal human testing against the EPA. The hearing is set for 10am at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, VA (Judge Anthony Trenga’s courtroom). Come support us!