Jackson’s EPA once asserted that two of its rules — the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and the Mercury Air Toxics Standard — would annually produce benefits of $380 billion — equal to about 2.5% of US GDP! Continue reading Lisa Jackson pushes canard that $1 worth of EPA rules bring $30 in economic benefits
Category: EPA
Lisa Jackson steals credit for environmental justice at EPA
The bogus concept was actually brought to EPA in 1990 (during the administration of George H.W. Bush) in the form of the Workgroup on Environmental Equity and expanded into an office of its own in 1992. Continue reading Lisa Jackson steals credit for environmental justice at EPA
Lisa Jackson on EPA endangerment finding: It ‘was just wonderful’ because EPA scientists ‘had been drowned out for many years by climate critics’
Study: EPA rules endanger coal even if gas glut lifts
“A new study finds that Environmental Protection Agency pollution rules could increasingly prompt power companies to abandon coal and turn to natural gas — even if gas prices soar above their currently low levels.” Continue reading Study: EPA rules endanger coal even if gas glut lifts
Former EPA Climate Adviser Rips White House OMB Over Cost-Benefit Analysis For Green Rules
OMB is the place where regulations go to die from cost-benefit analysis. Continue reading Former EPA Climate Adviser Rips White House OMB Over Cost-Benefit Analysis For Green Rules
WashExam: Secretive Gina McCarthy not fit to head EPA
Rejecting McCarthy’s nomination would be a much-needed step toward holding Obama to his promise of “the most transparent administration in history.” Continue reading WashExam: Secretive Gina McCarthy not fit to head EPA
EPA Settlement: Company Must Spend $76,952 to Replace Light Bulbs
The penalty for mismanaging used oil? Continue reading EPA Settlement: Company Must Spend $76,952 to Replace Light Bulbs
Irony: EPA fuel rules retarding the development of alternative-fuel vehicles
Required efficiency gains are actually ‘extending the viability of traditional automobile engines.” Continue reading Irony: EPA fuel rules retarding the development of alternative-fuel vehicles
Potential bad news for EPA human researchers: Plenty of prison beds projected in North Carolina for next 5 years
The North Carolina Senate has completed the fiscal impacts analysis of Senate Bill 187, the bill to make EPA’s PM2.5 air pollution experiments on humans a felony (on par with assassinating the Governor). Continue reading Potential bad news for EPA human researchers: Plenty of prison beds projected in North Carolina for next 5 years
EPA-funded study: Urban trees associated with increased childhood asthma; Says global warming may be more important than child health
Yum, this is among the best tasting irony we’ve ever had. Continue reading EPA-funded study: Urban trees associated with increased childhood asthma; Says global warming may be more important than child health
EPA to human guinea pig in air pollution experiment: ‘There is a possibility you may die from this’
Does EPA really expect people to risk their lives for $12/hour in non-therapeutic experiments? Will Gina McCarthy be asked about this at her confirmation hearing? Continue reading EPA to human guinea pig in air pollution experiment: ‘There is a possibility you may die from this’
WashTimes: EPA leaks improperly collected personal data on famers to enviros
“Despite the judicial smackdown, the agency handed the personal data that had been submitted to environmental groups.” Continue reading WashTimes: EPA leaks improperly collected personal data on famers to enviros