War Between the States: Shale gas states warn EPA not to employ sue-and-settle trick with Northeast states to regulate fracking

“Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt was joined by 12 states Friday in a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency warning administrators not to employ its backdoor “sue and settle” tactic to regulate hydraulic fracturing and oil production.” Continue reading War Between the States: Shale gas states warn EPA not to employ sue-and-settle trick with Northeast states to regulate fracking

EPA e-mailgate: White House staffer simultaneously on EPA and enviro group payrolls

“One June 19, 2009 from the Windsor account shows Jackson corresponded with Michelle Depass of the left-leaning Ford Foundation. Depass told Jackson that soon-to-be ‘EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator Shalini Vajjhala was going to work at the White House Council on Environmental Quality while also on payroll at the environmental group Resources for the Future,’ according to Vitter.” Continue reading EPA e-mailgate: White House staffer simultaneously on EPA and enviro group payrolls

Environmental Injustice: Complying with EPA standards no longer a defense in environmental justice complaints

Complying with EPA standards has been a rebuttable presumption in actions brought under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — no longer under a draft EPA policy. Continue reading Environmental Injustice: Complying with EPA standards no longer a defense in environmental justice complaints

Do text messages from EPA officials belong in FOIA records?

“The researcher who exposed former EPA chief Lisa P. Jackson’s private email account is now taking aim at her potential successor — and is expanding the inquiry into the world of mobile phone text messages, which are shaping up as the next frontier in open-records legal battles.” Continue reading Do text messages from EPA officials belong in FOIA records?

EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

That doesn’t include jobs created for lawyers and lobbyists, including at the utility GE is now suing — all over a clean-up that is not only unnecessary, but actually causing water pollution. Continue reading EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

EPA study cites report from admitted data fakers

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s revised draft assessment of an Alaska mine project cited research from environmental consultants who admitted falsifying a report in an environmental lawsuit.” Continue reading EPA study cites report from admitted data fakers

EPA fights human testing FOIA request: Demands exorbitant fees for recent, easily accessible docs

The agency continues to obstruct independent investigation of its illegal human testing activities. Continue reading EPA fights human testing FOIA request: Demands exorbitant fees for recent, easily accessible docs

Browner: Confident that Obama will regulate existing coal plants

“I think what you’ll see this term is more greenhouse gas requirements, particularly on new and existing coal-fired power plants.” Continue reading Browner: Confident that Obama will regulate existing coal plants

Gangster EPA bullied contractor to drop politically incorrect clients

Environmental Protection Agency officials bullied a contractor into cutting ties with an air policy coalition designed to help states with cumbersome EPA clean air rules, the American Tradition Institute said Thursday. Continue reading Gangster EPA bullied contractor to drop politically incorrect clients

EPA fails to explain deletion of illegal diesel experiment on children from data base

In February we FOIA-ed EPA for an explanation of why/how a report describing an illegal experiment exposing children to diesel exhaust was deleted from its data base. EPA responded to our request today. Continue reading EPA fails to explain deletion of illegal diesel experiment on children from data base

Shielding EPA’s McCarthy from scrutiny is what’s ‘totally bogus’

“Totally bogus.” That’s how Joe Davis, environmental journalist and director of the Society of Environmental Journalists’ WatchDog Project, describes “the concerns over fake emails.” Continue reading Shielding EPA’s McCarthy from scrutiny is what’s ‘totally bogus’

EPA chief dodges Senate question of whether emissions rules would effectively ban coal plants

Perciasepe says it would depend on the availability of carbon capture and sequestration technology. Continue reading EPA chief dodges Senate question of whether emissions rules would effectively ban coal plants