EPA e-mails reveal ‘Richard Windsor’ personally updated about Steve Milloy column calling for Lisa Jackson resignation

Unfortunately, Richard Windsor’s no doubt colorful commentary has been redacted. Continue reading EPA e-mails reveal ‘Richard Windsor’ personally updated about Steve Milloy column calling for Lisa Jackson resignation

Obama to renew delayed push to regulate new coal plants in September

But he is backing off the idea of regulating new coals plants like gas plants (i.e., won’t require that new coal plants have the same greenhouse gas emission profile as gas plants). Continue reading Obama to renew delayed push to regulate new coal plants in September

Another shocking disclosure about the illegal EPA human testing experiments

JunkScience.com readers have previously learned that EPA has been subjecting human study subjects (without obtaining informed consent) to exceedingly high short-term exposures to diesel exhaust (2-hours at roughly 30x typical ambient PM2.5 exposures). You’ve also learned that these experiments have been conducted with exceedingly high short-term ozone exposures (i.e., 400 ppb, when the EPA 8-hour standard is 75 ppb). But we haven’t so far seen… Continue reading Another shocking disclosure about the illegal EPA human testing experiments