Enviro Sugar Daddy II–Government spends 20 billion a year

The US Gov spends 20 billion plus annually to push climate/warming nonsense
That’s climate–and then there’s EPA and other things related to enviro issues.
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Human Experiments Scandal and Litigation

This UK news report started off talking about the American Traditions lawsuit against the EPA and finished talking about the lawsuit filed by Gary Baise on behalf of an individual.
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Collusive Lawsuits–Fraud on the Courts by the US EPA and their Cronies

The American Lung Association and other NGOs sue the EPA and the EPA awards them grants.
You might wonder if that stinks?
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Junk Epidemiology III Response to Fred, Interested Citizen

Note from Fred, Brother in Law, Trucking company exec, interested in my battle with the EPA and the CARB on small particulates for many years.
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Physician condemns EPA Cargo Cult Science–Guess who?

The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons Journal announces publication of an article condemning the EPA junk science on air pollution, imagine that.
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