Congress is reading ‘Scare Pollution’… are you?

“By all accounts, [the Trump administration was] running around Thursday delivering copies of Steve Milloy’s “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA” to key members of Congress.”

Amazon | Personalized copy signed by Steve Milloy

Elections have consequences… even with EPA’s illegal human experiments

The election of Donald Trump seems to have sent some sort of shock wave through EPA’s Office of Inspector General in the saga over EPA’s illegal human experiments.

Continue reading Elections have consequences… even with EPA’s illegal human experiments

EPA nominee Pruitt doubles down on climate skepticism

“EPA administrator nominee Scott Pruitt yesterday sent 242 pages of responses to questions from Democratic senators, doubling down on his stances that the severity of climate change is up for debate and that the agency he would run has overstepped its congressional mandate.”

Continue reading EPA nominee Pruitt doubles down on climate skepticism

New Book Exposes How EPA Distorts Science To Fit Its Political Goals

From the Daily Caller about Steve Milloy’s new book: Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA — which is the #1 book in’s Public Affairs & Administration category.

Continue reading New Book Exposes How EPA Distorts Science To Fit Its Political Goals

New Book by Steve Milloy: ‘Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA’

Available on Kindle NOW… print edition coming! The full story of the scientific fraud underlying EPA’s war on coal and climate rules. My proof that particulate matter kills no one. Endorsed by Sen. Jim Inhofe and the former chairman of EPA’s own Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, George Wolff.

Continue reading New Book by Steve Milloy: ‘Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA’

E-mails expose EPA’s corrupt process for selecting science adviser

Last October, the EPA selected Donna Kenski to fill an open slot on its Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC).

We just received 450 pages of e-mails from the EPA via the Freedom of Information Act covering Kenski’s selection.

They illustrate the need to #DrainTheSwamp. Continue reading E-mails expose EPA’s corrupt process for selecting science adviser

EPA fails to challenge allegations made at National Academy of Sciences hearing on illegal human experiments?

It seems EPA has not yet responded to the allegations we made at the August 24, 2016 National Academy of Sciences public meeting on EPA’s illegal human experiments.

Does this mean we win? Continue reading EPA fails to challenge allegations made at National Academy of Sciences hearing on illegal human experiments?