Who’d-a-ever thunk this would happen? Such WINNING!… courtesy of President Trump and EPA chief Scott Pruitt.
Click here for the release on the EPA web site.
Who’d-a-ever thunk this would happen? Such WINNING!… courtesy of President Trump and EPA chief Scott Pruitt.
Click here for the release on the EPA web site.
NYTimes reporters are unhappy I slammed their article on Twitter. Here’s why I did.
Continue reading Hack-Attack: NYTimes ‘reports’ on EPA ‘secret science’ initiative
My Daily Signal commentary summarizing EPA hief Scott Pruitt’s science accomplishments at EPA.
Continue reading EPA Chief Puts Science Back Into Environmental Protection
My op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal.
JunkScience.com has been working this issue for 20+ years.
Continue reading WINNING!! EPA chief to ban use of ‘secret science’ in rulemaking
Also had a great meeting today with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt! Big things happening!
Continue reading Steve Milloy quoted in Trump EPA Report of First Year Accomplishments
The new truck industry is pulling out all the stops to kill off glider trucks. It thought the Obama EPA had accomplished the task. But the Trump EPA is now undoing the Obama rule. So the new truck industry and its radical green allies are breaking china — even pressuring a scientist to accuse himself of misconduct. I have never seen anything like this in my 27+ years of work on EPA issues. Check this out.
Continue reading Swamp desperate to stop Trump repeal of Obama EPA death sentence for glider trucks
As long as I’ve been involved in federal regulatory issues (since 1990), regulators have used junk epidemiology to justify overregulation. For the first time ever, we have an administration that is committed to stopping overregulation. So JunkScience.com petitioned the Trump administration today to stop the misuse and abuse of epidemiology by issuing epidemiologic standards for federal agencies.
Continue reading JunkScience petitions White House for epidemiology standards
Dr. Howard Bauchner, you lied to me. No worries. though. You just confirmed that I am correct about PM2.5 and that the EPA-Harvard-NEJM-JAMA PM2.5 cabal is engaged in major science fraud.
Continue reading JAMA editor reneges on commitment to review Harvard PM2.5 study for misconduct
New York Times hack Eric Lipton tries to save the rentseekers and rogue EPA staffers on the losing end of the glider truck controversy. But my Wall Street Journal column already revealed the inconvenient truth about the conspiracy against gliders.
Continue reading NYTimes attacks Trump EPA proposed repeal of Obama EPA glider truck rule
“If big government money was taken out of this toxic mix producing bad research, there would be no small association results used to project hundreds of thousands of deaths in America.”
Continue reading Dunn in Dose-Response: Enstrom’s Expose of Air Pollution Epidemiology Problems