Steve Milloy is a regular contributor to the public education and political advocacy work of the California Construction Trucking Association.
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Category: Environmentalism
Cruden returns to DOJ
So the revolving door from Enviro NGO to DOJ/EPA Government work continues.
Just like the media/lobbyist/government official churn. Citizen alert–we lose again.
Shame on John Cruden, he dishonors his West Point heritage.
Continue reading Cruden returns to DOJ
Nepal is, Indeed, a 3rd World Place
So some Yalies have an enviro scoring system and Nepal is 139.
Continue reading Nepal is, Indeed, a 3rd World Place
Twisted Thinking from Windy People
I think you will see the irony in this nonsense from the left.
Marita Downs Another Enviro Doofus–CJ Somerville
Marita is an energy advocate, and prolific writer and lecturer.
Continue reading Marita Downs Another Enviro Doofus–CJ Somerville
Lawyer from Vermont advises West Virginny
An Academic Environmental lawyer from Vermont advises on the Elk River Spill of 4 methyl cyclohexane methanol.
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Typical Information Session on Mining
This link is to a upper Minnesota public forum on copper and nickel mining environmental impacts. Gee, wonder what their agenda might be. Like shutting down mining and shipping it overseas to the Chinese? Think maybe?
Continue reading Typical Information Session on Mining
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, and Economic Progress
Paul Driessen, a humanist and sensible on economics and energy issues, writes here.
Mining Project in NY Condemned
Did you know there is more wild country now in America than ever, with all kinds of “monuments” that are no touch?
Continue reading Mining Project in NY Condemned
Are They Crazy, I am Driving a 14000 pound RV
When I drive down to Fort Hood to work every week I drive a Minnie Winnebago, which is a 30 foot long legal vehicle on the road that weighs more than 10,000 pounds. I go past these people in their little put putts, in some cases not more than a covered, colorful lawnmower. What are they thinkin’?
Continue reading Are They Crazy, I am Driving a 14000 pound RV
IBD Lays it On the Line–Enviros are Totalitarians
Recently we commented on a number of people, Krugman, Figueres, who said a good totalitarian state gets things done.
This attached essay is one reason that Milloy and I think very highly of IBD, not to mention IBD has published Milloy’s commentary.
Thanks to Joe Bast at Heartland for the link.
Crony Journalism on Climate
Keeping the deception going, now it’s Chicago politics time.
Nice little news outlet you got there.
Don’t you think it’s warmer outside?