Here’s Charles, who is in a wheelchair so he can’t run and hide.
The long knives were out last week over his Climate comments.
Continue reading I Thought Krauthammer was in Jail for Sedition?
Category: Environmentalism
Stop, it's over, the World has a Fever
My colleague Marty Kelly MD found this wonderful scare.
Please sit down so you don’t faint from fright.
Continue reading Stop, it's over, the World has a Fever
Snow will be Gone
I went to Amazon to get book.
Continue reading Snow will be Gone
Kids think they know something–not
This is like those little jerks, full of themselves, who write to presidents advising on policy.
Continue reading Kids think they know something–not
Lancet Panic Attack Attributed to Chemophobia
We talked once last week about the Lancet problem–they have a Chemophobia problem.
Continue reading Lancet Panic Attack Attributed to Chemophobia
DDT Good, Enviros Bad
Milloy has always had a terrible sore about the DDT Rachel Carson story.
Continue reading DDT Good, Enviros Bad
Viv Forbes–Nice
Got a message from the boss of He is, like me, a fan of Viv Forbes, a reason why Americans should love Aussies.
Continue reading Viv Forbes–Nice
Moore, Founder of Greenpeace, Speaks Out
Patrick Moore called climate people a cult and says that the warming crusade is a hoax on Sean Hannity’s show last night.
Continue reading Moore, Founder of Greenpeace, Speaks Out
Roy Spencer condemns the Left
Yes, I say the left, becuase the Anti defamation league is doing what all lefty organizations do–using a double standard.
The ADL is like the ACLU or any of a number of lefty organizations–they are predictable.
Continue reading Roy Spencer condemns the Left
Misanthropy is the Enviro Movement
This will stop you in your tracks.
Continue reading Misanthropy is the Enviro Movement
Physician condemns EPA Cargo Cult Science–Guess who?
The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons Journal announces publication of an article condemning the EPA junk science on air pollution, imagine that.
Continue reading Physician condemns EPA Cargo Cult Science–Guess who?
Idaho Forest Roads can't be shut in
A federal judge says the National Forest Service can’t shut up 1000 miles of Idaho park roads in the Payette Forest.
Continue reading Idaho Forest Roads can't be shut in