Important Junk Science in Economics and Public Policy

You might say, well JunkScience shouldn’t touch on political issues–and what would you call chemophobia, climate change, and policy decisions on climate, energy policy, and air pollution?
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Chamber of Commerce is about Free Market Capitalism? Sho Nuff.

The recent conduct of the Chamber of Commerce of crony capitalism and neo fascism (as in a government/business co-op) is now on display as declared by their CEO for the last 15 years and committed statist, Mr. Donahue.
Continue reading Chamber of Commerce is about Free Market Capitalism? Sho Nuff.

Sewerage? Now there's a Wonderful Idea

In a good share of the world public health policy making is about important stuff–not big gulps and sugary drinks, but real progress like sewers and toilets and a safe water supply. India is developing or developed country (in some areas), just like any 3rd world country, they have a way to go for much of their population.