Let's Stop Producing Food

It always astounds me when Harvard High Flyers put up something that makes no sense.
Thanks to the Chief Toxicologist for Texas, Dr. Mike Honeycutt, for tipping me off.
Continue reading Let's Stop Producing Food

Three Billionaire Warmist Stooges embarrass themselves in WaPo pretending that America hasn’t already considered global warming

MIchael Bloomberg, Hank Paulson and Tom Steyer write in the WaPo: Continue reading Three Billionaire Warmist Stooges embarrass themselves in WaPo pretending that America hasn’t already considered global warming

The Economist: Wrong economic models of climate impact better than no models — But how is assuming harm better than not?

The Economist opines: Continue reading The Economist: Wrong economic models of climate impact better than no models — But how is assuming harm better than not?

Social cost of carbon — another bogus metric for stealing liberties, subverting real cost-benefit analysis

Chip Knappenberger writes in The Hill: Continue reading Social cost of carbon — another bogus metric for stealing liberties, subverting real cost-benefit analysis

Bill would block Obama from making ‘secret adjustments’ to social cost of carbon

Why not just ban the concept? There is no such beast as the social cost of carbon. Continue reading Bill would block Obama from making ‘secret adjustments’ to social cost of carbon

Cooking the warming books: Obama quietly raises the cost of CO2 emissions by 60%

This is how the EPA plans to cook the books for the cost-benefit analysis of its greenhouse gas regulations. Continue reading Cooking the warming books: Obama quietly raises the cost of CO2 emissions by 60%

Lisa Jackson pushes canard that $1 worth of EPA rules bring $30 in economic benefits

Jackson’s EPA once asserted that two of its rules — the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and the Mercury Air Toxics Standard — would annually produce benefits of $380 billion — equal to about 2.5% of US GDP! Continue reading Lisa Jackson pushes canard that $1 worth of EPA rules bring $30 in economic benefits

Chamber study debunks EPA figures on job-creating regulations

In some cases, the study concluded, there was no evidence that the agency even attempted to analyze the effect of regulations on employment. Continue reading Chamber study debunks EPA figures on job-creating regulations