GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz goes Al Gore; JunkScience challenges Gaetz to debate

In an effort to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory following the unanimous Senate defeat of the Green New Deal last week, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is introducing an alternative bill to the Green New Deal, called the Green Real Deal. In a commentary published today, Gaetz channels Al Gore and Gore’s “The debate is over” claim, writing: “The reality of climate change is a stupid thing to argue about.” JunkScience was the first to challenge Al Gore to debate in January 2006. Let us be the first to challenge Gaetz on his foolishness. Let’s go at it, Congressman. If debating climate is so “stupid,” it should be a lay-up to waste me.

WINNING: Milloy one of a ‘small but influential set’ Trump has been listening to

Axios reports that President Trump’s views on climate have been shaped over the years by a “small but influential set or organizations and people,” including publisher Steve Milloy, CEI’s Myron Ebell, Murray Energy’s Bob Murray, the Heartland Institute and Sen. Jim Inhofe. Axios, of course, means this as a slam. Not only is Axios wrong, but I would be proud to have played a role in shaping President Trump’s views on climate.

Dr. Battig weighs in on the High Holy Church of Warming Fanatics

Charles is an anesthesiologist, which in my business means he is extraordinary in his knowledge of the human organism.
Continue reading Dr. Battig weighs in on the High Holy Church of Warming Fanatics

Let's talk this junk called the National Climate Assessment

William Sullivan gets into the history and talks about misconduct and the new panicky statemeent.
Continue reading Let's talk this junk called the National Climate Assessment

VDH on the greenie/leftist elitist bully game

Hanson nails this one–no content or substance on the left, arrogant chatter and flash.
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