Claim: Kids living near ‘toxic waste sites’ get more lead, may have lower IQs

No kids were tested for IQ! So how do they know higher lead levels are even statistically associated with lower IQs? Continue reading Claim: Kids living near ‘toxic waste sites’ get more lead, may have lower IQs

Claim: Lipstick contaminant could cause stomach cancer; ‘Troubling levels of toxic metals’

Everything is “contaminated” with trace levels of something that could be considered “toxic” at some very high exposure level. But it is the dose that makes the poison, and no harm to health has ever been shown to be caused or contributed to by lipsticks or other cosmetics. Don’t forget that the cosmetic scare industry is egged on, if not entirely funded by the “natural” cosmetics industry.” Continue reading Claim: Lipstick contaminant could cause stomach cancer; ‘Troubling levels of toxic metals’

EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

That doesn’t include jobs created for lawyers and lobbyists, including at the utility GE is now suing — all over a clean-up that is not only unnecessary, but actually causing water pollution. Continue reading EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

EPA faulted by Inspector General for delaying studies of asbestos dangers in Montana town

“Internal investigators faulted the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday for years of delays in completing health studies needed to guide the cleanup of a Montana mining town where hundreds of people have died from asbestos exposure.” Continue reading EPA faulted by Inspector General for delaying studies of asbestos dangers in Montana town

Enivros agitate for plastic bag tax in London claiming ‘devastating cost to wildlife’ — RealityDrop: No evidence bags threaten marine mammals, birds

“Giving away polluting plastic bags must stop. At once.” Continue reading Enivros agitate for plastic bag tax in London claiming ‘devastating cost to wildlife’ — RealityDrop: No evidence bags threaten marine mammals, birds

Ex-UK Science Advisor on BPA: ‘Being frank, I think the only way you could hurt babies with bisphenol A baby bottles is to baton them with them’

But there was no scientific evidence that the levels found in the plastic used to make baby bottles was harmful to children, said Sir John. Continue reading Ex-UK Science Advisor on BPA: ‘Being frank, I think the only way you could hurt babies with bisphenol A baby bottles is to baton them with them’

NYTimes sows chemophobia: Asserts almost 85,000 chemicals not proven safe; Babies born ‘pre-polluted’; Wants mandatory expensive testing

The reality is that chemicals have helped people around the world live healthier, wealthier and longer lives. In contrast, anti-chemical fearmongering has accomplished little, if anything. Continue reading NYTimes sows chemophobia: Asserts almost 85,000 chemicals not proven safe; Babies born ‘pre-polluted’; Wants mandatory expensive testing

GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) gets the mercury con. Continue reading GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

California lists BPA under Proposition 65; Another non-toxic chemical made toxic by decree

The American Chemistry Council is suing the state to keep BPA off the list. Continue reading California lists BPA under Proposition 65; Another non-toxic chemical made toxic by decree

French food safety agency goes junk science on BPA; Claims BS mouse study shows fetal exposure causes adult breast cancer

The baby mice were first exposed to BPA and then to known mammary carcinogens… and BPA gets the blame?! Continue reading French food safety agency goes junk science on BPA; Claims BS mouse study shows fetal exposure causes adult breast cancer